Brave girl braved heavy rain to rescue an abandoned puppy

On her way back from school, the young girl saw the puppy and took off her sweater regardless of the cold or the water and picked up the puppy. They say that children are the future of the world and if it is in the hands of people like this 12-year-old girl, it will be a much better and kinder place. And this is the story of a teenager who put the welfare of an animal ahead of her own last Thursday.


It all happened in Blumenau, in the Itajaí Valley, Brazil, when a young girl named Cibely Luíza was on her way back from school and in the middle of a torrential rain saw a little dog hurting on the sidewalk.

She didn’t think twice to know that he needed help, so she threw her umbrella on the ground and took off her coat, which she used to give some warmth to the puppy. But it didn’t end there, because she took him home to give him the necessary care, to make sure he was okay. Everything was captured by a resident of the place, who was just recording the rain when she was able to observe the beautiful moment of empathy between the young girl and the animal.


Luckily, they have been able to contact the rescuer and she is happy to know that her story became popular, because it will inspire others to do the same. Young Cibely’s family already has two dogs at home and they don’t have room for another one, however, once he is in good condition they will look for an adoptive family to take him off the streets.


According to Razoes para Acreditar, at another time she found another puppy abandoned on the corner and took it to her home to bathe and comb it, and then look for its owner. When he found him, he even got angry because they did not have a fence and the dog could run away again soon, he watched over its welfare.

Everyone in his family is very proud of him, because he has a conscience that many at his age do not develop, and that is to help those who need it most, regardless of the species.


At that moment, during the rain, it is clear that he got wet and a little cold to rescue the puppy, but he managed to do it and both are in good condition.

Below is the video of the tender rescue:


Dejó su paraguas y lo arropó

♬ sonido original – Lomunidad

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Brave girl braved heavy rain to rescue an abandoned puppy