Golden Retriever dog has his own sign for people to give him his ball back

A Golden Retriever went viral on Facebook due to a warning on a small sign. The publication was made on behalf of Alex Manoel himself on the social network, last December 8. In the caption, the neighbor from Campinas points out that he happened to pass by this house and was curious to read what was written on the plaque hanging on the gate.


“Please don’t take the ball from me!!!!! If it’s in the street it’s because I threw it to play with me. Give it back to me and I will be very happy!!! She is everything to me “, says the poster. “I was surprised by the message ! I looked on the sidewalk and saw the ball and right after, looking at me, I found this beautiful little dog “, wrote Alex. “Shyly, a little embarrassed, I picked up the ball and threw it inside. He immediately picked it up, still in the air, and threw it gently, and then the game began,” he added.


Since then, the man changes course to play with the canine. “And there I am almost every day, walking this path, which is not even part of my paths, to receive the affection of this angel,” concluded Alex. The publication had 7,000 likes, 15,000 shares and 2 comments. “How nice,” commented Fatima.

Sam! As always, cute and responsive,” remarked Adryellen.

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Golden Retriever dog has his own sign for people to give him his ball back