– Only Kate! I won’t recognize or accept anyone else! – she poured soothing drops into the glass. – Vivian, don’t work yourself up, – Ida persuaded her. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

-Vivian sat with a glass in her hand, into which she poured soothing drops.

Yesterday’s news stunned her: her only son divorced and promises to bring another girl to meet.

-“Vivian, don’t work yourself up, – her sister Ida persuaded her, – the adult son made a decision: he got divorced. And there is nothing you can do about it.

-That’s right: I can’t help myself. Kate is so wonderful, kind, for six years I could not get enough of my daughter-in-law. And now what? She’s going to bring another?” Vivian shook her head. “I’ll never accept it, Kate is my only daughter-in-law forever!

-And if Kate gets married?

-Never mind, I will still accept only her.

The divorce of her son greatly upset Vivian. She persuaded both her son and daughter-in-law to give up the divorce for a long time. The son was adamant. Kate promised to come with Max to visit, called Vivian to her. So they parted with a promise never to lose sight of each other.

A few months passed and the son reported about a girl who might become a new daughter-in-law. Vivian did not take it seriously. Well, the young man must have a woman, take a walk and calm down.

In her heart she hoped that her son would get back together with Kate.

But the son said that he would come on Saturday with Emma, specially bring the girl to get acquainted.

I don’t want to hear and see some Emma, for me Kate, the mother of my grandson Max, will always be my daughter-in-law.

-Whatever you want, mom, I’ve said everything. If you do not want to get acquainted, we will not come to you, so as not to offend your feelings. We will not get back together with Kate, no matter how much you hope. Max is my son, I love him, but I will live with another woman. That’s it.

Vivian crossed her fingers, clenching them with tension.

-“Well, son, I see that this Emma is a light in the window for you. I have no choice but to accept your choice, – she turned sharply, looking her son in the eyes, – but do not insist on our meeting with her, I do not want to get acquainted yet.

-Good mother.

No matter how much Vivian postponed the meeting with her new daughter-in-law, it finally took place. A thin girl with big gray eyes looked at her with a sweet smile. Vivian in response tightened her lips even more, nodding in response and gesturing that she could pass.

She was not going to show any sympathy, and even tried not to look at the girl. Although her son said that he met Emma after the divorce, Vivian was still angry with her new daughter-in-law for standing in the way of her son.

-“Well, you see, Vivian, the girl is nice, modest, but she has her own core. She tries to please you, she wanted to wash the dishes, but you wouldn’t let her, – said sister Ida.

-Vivian’s attitude remained unchanged, – Let Kate do whatever she wants in my apartment, she is always welcome. And this one is an impostor. I hope my son will come to his senses over time.

She called Kate often, invited her to her place, asked her to bring Max. She behaved as if there was no divorce.

Emma did not bring her son for a long time, feeling the alienation of her mother. But two months after they signed the contract, the girl came herself. She was holding a handbag and a cake.

-Hello, Vivian. Please do not send me away, it is important for me.

Vivian, impressed by this visit, let the guest in.

-Why alone? Where is my son?” the hostess asked first.

-He’s at work. Don’t worry, it was me who took off this afternoon. I went to the hospital, then decided to come to you. May I wash my hands?

-Yes, of course, go to the bathroom, – she took the cake, carried it to the kitchen, put tea on.

Curiosity did not let her go, despite her dislike for Emma.

-Can I have some tea? – Emma asked boldly.

-Well, if you came with a cake, then you can’t do without tea, I’ll boil it now.

-“Let me make it myself,” Emma jumped to the rescue.

Her eyes showed a great desire to be useful.

Vivian let her, and she was already thinking about how to cool the obsessive girl’s ardor.

-“You know, we live well with your son… But, you know, I want you to come to us. Honestly, it’s hard when there is such tension between us… And I’m pregnant, we will have a child, and you have another grandson or granddaughter.

-Well, so be it, I’m glad to have children, – Vivian’s look warmed up a little .

She postponed the prepared speech, the news softened her a little, and the meeting with the new daughter-in-law went well.

Later, when she was alone, Vivian thought again with regret about Kate, with whom they had been so friendly. But Emma began to annoy her less…

A year passed. Vivian was preparing lunch and looked out the window. Sister Ida came in.

-Well, haven’t you arrived yet?

-Yes, I’m expecting them any minute now, they’re supposed to arrive with Lisa. Emma is good, she will be a good mother, I can already see how she cares about her daughter. And if she does not know something, she does not hesitate to ask. And the matchmaker, Emma’s mother, helps.

She looked out the window again.

-Oh, here they are, my good ones have arrived.

Ida stopped her sister by grabbing her elbow.

-“Wait, they’re not up yet. Tell me, how do you like Emma? You couldn’t stand her.

-Ida, I’ll tell you the truth: she’s a good daughter-in-law, she loves me with all her heart. And what about me? I love them all.

-And Kate?

-And Kate is still my daughter-in-law, I communicate with her. You know about our relationship. Ida, I don’t know who’s better. And I do not want to compare. They are both like my family, today I talked to Kate, we talked about Max, about Kate’s new job.

And I am also happy to communicate with Emma: I can see in my heart how beautiful she is. I do not know, maybe my son was so lucky with his first and second wives…

The doorbell rang. Vivian took the towel off her shoulder and hurriedly went to open it.

-I’m coming, I’m coming, my dear…

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– Only Kate! I won’t recognize or accept anyone else! – she poured soothing drops into the glass. – Vivian, don’t work yourself up, – Ida persuaded her. And there’s nothing you can do about it.