The other day I found out that my husband had a mistress. It was a shock for me, although I began to suspect that he was unfaithful to me about three months ago. We started dating in our second year of college. We had a lot in common – friends, interests, and suddenly this.
My husband and I have a son, he is now 11 years old. Not an easy age. To date, my son does not know that we have a problem in the family. On the one hand my husband and I had a good marriage. We did not argue, my husband helped me with household chores. There were disagreements, but no insults. Husband is a caring father. Spends a lot of time with his son and family. But I began to notice that my husband became cold to me. S#x became very rare in our relationship. I tried to ask what the reason was, maybe I was not s#xy, maybe he did not like something. To all my questions he answered that he had gotten older and simply could not have s#x as much as before. I didn’t feel comfortable pestering him either.
I tried, as they often advise, to buy beautiful lingerie, to be even more relaxed, but my husband was only irritated at my attempts to improve my s#x life. Sometimes I want to drop everything, take my son and go to my parents. Then deal with housing issues. Sometimes I want to “forget” what happened and move on with my husband. I look at my son and wonder if I have the right to divorce, to decide for my son his fate. After all, it will be a shock for him. Especially at this age.
At work I tried to ask my female coworkers what they think about my husband’s infidelity. They do not know what happened in my family. Female employees proudly stated that the woman herself is to blame for her husband’s infidelity. But what was my fault? We had a good relationship and the s#x was good.
They said they would have found a lover right away if they had found out about the affair and then divorced. Pride would not allow them to live with someone like that. I don’t want to cheat on my husband, and I don’t know how to go on living.
My husband does not want to divorce. He apologizes and promises it will never happen again. My heart is bursting with pain. I do not know what to do.