We don’t have a place to live, and my mother-in-law doesn’t offer her apartment

My husband and I live in a rented apartment, even though his parents have an apartment and a house. They have always positioned themselves as a family. And now for the life story itself.

I have always earned very well, but due to stupid youth (there is a bad credit history, I am fixing it now, and it will take about three years), no mortgage. My dad got stolen by a lady and now I have another little brother and sister. My dad bought my mom a two-bedroom apartment, but I’m an adult living with my mom. Although she is not against it. So I have been living on my own for ten years now. My father’s new wife gradually hated me, although I always treated her very well and accepted her. I love my father. He gave me the best childhood and education.

I met a guy. He is also 30 years old. Beautiful man, handsome, I wonder how he stayed alone all this time. What his parents wanted from him, I don’t understand. We set up a company and it’s been going strong for a year. I pay the rent for the apartment, he promotes the business with all his might. Without investing millions of dollars. By ourselves, with our own wits.

His parents have a four-bedroom apartment, his grandmother still lives in it, who used to say: “oh, come and take over.” I thought, what a great grandmother. In the end there was not even a place to put things, and I have a lot of them and more furniture. Here you can not, it’s his sisters, here you can not, it’s his parents. So somewhere in the middle of the room on the floor. In the kitchen, all my utensils are hidden far and wide. And then complaints from her to my parents that I don’t cook or clean. Mother-in-law visits once a week, inspecting. Why so pale? Why do you eat in restaurants? I couldn’t stand it and said we were moving. Now I’m paying rent again and no one is watching or reporting my every move.

They still have a new apartment. It’s empty. They have a house outside of town, rebuilt. Bathhouse, plantings, renovations. At first she said we had a dog and she was afraid for the repairs in the new apartment. As it happens, we gave the dog to friends. But my mother-in-law keeps quiet. Only constantly complains that they do not have enough money. Soon they will have to pay full taxes where she works. My father-in-law does not work for many years – alcoholism. But he gives advice to his son on how to run a business.

We would help pay off the loan for that apartment. We would help for a year or two, but I don’t want to live there for a long time, I don’t like the taste and style. For me it is fundamental. I’m paying three times her loan now and nothing!

I hope they don’t find that I wrote this. We’ll get through it.

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We don’t have a place to live, and my mother-in-law doesn’t offer her apartment