Sister proposes to sue her mother and brother for inheritance

There are three of us in the family – my older sister, me and my brother. The parents’ house is big, in the city limits. At one time they hoped that we and our families would also live with them, and thus provide for our old age. But we moved away. My older sister and her husband were given a house by his parents, and my father and mother helped my brother to buy an apartment and a car.

I didn’t get married, and when I was 30 years old, I took a loan from the bank for my own apartment. Before that I lived at my parents’ house and commuted to work in the city. They wanted me to live with them, so they were in no hurry to help me get my own place. But I was tired of spending almost three hours every day commuting, so I first rented an apartment, then decided to buy my own. And since I work in a bank, they gave me an interest-free loan. And only at the end my parents helped me pay it off and gave me money for repairs. But the apartment is a one-room apartment.

Four years ago my father died. We all inherited the house, but decided to give up in favor of my mother, so that there would be less red tape with registration to each for his share. Yes, and Mom hinted that she is now the mistress and will divide the house herself when the time comes. But this summer, the younger brother and his family (children 11 and 2 years old), began to repair and rebuild the house. Was very unhappy when I came. Tried to boss me around, rude, and when I complained to my mom, she said that he was the only man in the family and needed to obey. I just stopped coming, only called my mother, although before that all the work in the garden, helping my mother was on me.

Recently my older sister called and said that my brother decided to rent out his apartment in town and was moving in with my mother. She suggested that mom and brother split the house for everyone and then let him live in his half or pay us the money. If I got any help, my sister didn’t get any, figuring she already had a place to live. But now both of her sons are married and there’s not much room in the house for three families. So her sister rightly reasoned that she was entitled to her share of her parents’ house so that she and her husband could buy a small house or a studio apartment in town. But her brother was rude to her, kicked her out, and told her that no one would get anything, and that he would take care of the house for his mother himself. My mother said that she agreed to such an option, because we do not live with her, and they will be close by. And she loves her grandchildren very much.

My sister proposes to go to court, but I can’t do that. Let my mother decide for herself. Although I’m 42 years old, there is no family, and will not be, I also counted on his part of the inheritance, who knows how things will be further. Maybe I would have moved in with my mom, and rented out my apartment. After all, apart from her I have nothing else, not counting the small savings.

It’s hard for me to accept this attitude of my relatives, but I will not do anything. And my sister said that she will stand up for her right of inheritance. I do not support her, but I understand.

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Sister proposes to sue her mother and brother for inheritance