My friends are surprised that my husband and I spend our vacations separately

All our relatives and acquaintances are surprised that my husband and I have been vacationing separately for seven years. And it all came out of the blue. We were going on vacation, but my father broke his leg. He couldn’t do without help, and we decided not to go. But my husband insisted that I go with the children, as they were really looking forward to the trip to the sea. I took my friend in my husband’s place. After flying home, a week later I sent her husband with the kids, and I myself stayed to take care of my father-in-law.

We liked this vacation very much and the children went to the sea twice. The benefit is everything. We took a break from each other and even relations improved. And as for infidelity or a holiday romance, I’m not worried at all. I can vouch for myself. I am not the type to get along with people, especially men, and I love my husband very much. Of course, I cannot vouch for him, though I trust him. But I think that if a man wants to change, you do not need to fly to the sea to do that. And we always rest with children.

Now we plant a small vegetable garden in our dacha. While my husband is at sea, I take care of everything, and then it is his turn. Following our example, our neighbors began to do so. They have a dog and cat, it is always problematic to leave them with someone, sometimes they cannot even go on vacation because of the animals. And now the problem is solved.

I don’t understand how to live without trust in the family!

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My friends are surprised that my husband and I spend our vacations separately