I feel sorry for my elderly parents

My older sister has been married to a man for five years. She is now 41 and pregnant. She waited a long time for a marriage proposal, but she decided to have the baby and then it was up to her. I could understand her if this baby was her first. The years go by and there’s less and less chance of having a baby. But this would be her third child. Her two daughters from her first marriage (ages 14 and 18) live with our parents, her sister is with her man.

I don’t approve of her decision, but I didn’t say anything until I found out that my older niece is also pregnant by her boyfriend and is going to bring him to her, that is, to my parents. The guy is from out of town, works, but the apartment is two rooms. That means the youngest will be living in her grandparents’ room. I don’t understand how this is going to work at all. Living elderly people in such an environment, with a teenager in the same room and a toddler in the apartment!

I voiced my grievances to my sister to deal with the children on her own, rather than shifting it to her mother and father. If she cannot give anything to her two eldest children, why should she have a third? My sister replied that I could take my parents to my house, because I have my own house! But it’s my husband’s house, and I can’t dispose of it without considering his interests. And he is totally against it. He has nothing against my parents, but he doesn’t want to indulge in “deadbeats,” as he said.

Why should it be my parents who have to leave their apartment? And I don’t understand how the nieces will live together alone, especially if the older one’s boyfriend moves in and the baby is born. After all, the younger one is only 14. Mom cooked for everyone, kept order, and here they will be left alone. The mother doesn’t care about them either, because she’s expecting a baby.

I’m very annoyed by such irresponsible people. I feel sorry for the parents who got this kind of thing for their old age. But they won’t kick their granddaughters out, either! The situation is hopeless. I am worried that the young people will not give the old people any peace, especially my mother.

What to do, tell me? My sister does not want to listen to anything, the main thing for her is that her daughters have a place to live and they do not bother her.

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I feel sorry for my elderly parents