I am 24 years old, I am a copywriter. I became a surrogate mother simply because I couldn’t find any other way to get out of debt. I had a little son who couldn’t get out of colds, a room in a communal apartment inherited from my grandmother, and some kind of job, which together with the allowance brought only 14 thousand a month. I don’t have to tell you what £1,645 a month is in Canterbury. My son’s father also sent me £ 680. But not on a regular basis, so I shouldn’t have counted on that money.
At one point I took out a loan just to buy winter shoes and clothes for myself and my son. Then my laptop, which was about 12 years old, broke, and it wasn’t even bringing out the second tab of the browser as it was. And this is my work tool. The debt collectors threatened me and my son, they were guarding me at the entrance, and I realized that I either had to sell my room immediately and go somewhere in the middle of nowhere, or look for a way out.
I read on some forum where a girl had found a way out: she became a surrogate mother. I found a clinic on the Internet, filed an application, collected a lot of certificates, took all the tests in one day at the clinic. I did not know what was going on. The couple was found quickly, very nice people. It was clear that they were not rich people, but people who really wanted a child.
The pregnancy went perfectly, as the doctor said, and I was given big money each month (I finally remembered what it was like to eat more than just pasta and cabbage). They even gave me money for maternity clothes. After all that, I got a very large sum of money extra because I had a C-section. I closed the loan, got my teeth fixed, got my son into a private kindergarten and bought a new laptop, now there are normal conditions for work. I am learning Photoshop, I want to earn money this, not just texts. Saddened by the fact that I had to give the child was not. He’s not mine, I just carried him. I have my own child, and my first concern was for him.
At the clinic I met a mother who was as unconventional as I was. Alice is an artist and she is married. They decided to help a childless friend with a child. It’s a little strange, but her husband was the first to suggest it, since Paul and Chloе, for whose sake they went for it, have been his best friends since high school. Chloе had always wanted children, but after three frozen pregnancies in six years, she just couldn’t find the strength to try again. Alice confessed to me that the hardest part wasn’t even getting all the paperwork done, but explaining it to her mother. She is a woman of conservative views, she cannot be changed. They did not speak for several months, her parents blamed her husband for everything and even threatened to take their daughter away from them. They didn’t get paid money, unlike me. They just brought groceries and vitamins.
The story ended well, the girl was born, and my acquaintances are closer to her family than many relatives.