He arrived at the orphanage and couldn’t believe his eyes. There was his daughter

Matthew sat in his office, surrounded by awards and certificates from the city and region, symbolizing his success. Outside, the evening was falling, and the light from car headlights reflected off the storefronts of his shops. At just 30 years old, he was already a successful entrepreneur, while many of his peers were still searching for their path.

In addition to his shops, Matthew ran a charitable foundation that helped children. He enjoyed this work; it brought him joy. Although he didn’t have a family, Matthew never felt lonely.

At the orphanage, they called him “the kind one.” Matthew himself had once been a resident of the same orphanage. As a child, he had found himself there, where holidays rarely brought gifts or sweets. Finding sponsors had been difficult, so when he established himself in life, he began to support children who, like him, had ended up in the orphanage.

During one of his visits to the orphanage, the staff greeted Matthew warmly, but the atmosphere was less lively than usual. His attention was drawn to a little girl quietly playing at a table while the other children kept their distance.

“Daddy, Daddy, you’ve come back!” the girl exclaimed when she saw Matthew.

The man froze in shock. None of the children had ever called him that before. The staff looked equally surprised. However, the girl knew his name, even though she was new and had never met him before.

“Sorry, she’s new here and hasn’t quite adjusted yet,” one of the caretakers explained. But Matthew wasn’t listening; his thoughts were racing.

The girl, ignoring the adults’ confusion, approached Matthew and added,
“Mom said you would come back. When are we going to see Mom?”

Matthew hadn’t felt such a mix of emotions in a long time—anxiety, curiosity, and disbelief. Why had this girl, of all the children, acted as though she knew him? Normally, the children would eagerly run to greet him, but this time was different.

“Are you sure you’re not mistaking me for someone else?” he asked cautiously.

“No, of course not! Mom always told me about you, that you’re a kind man and that you’d come for me,” the girl replied confidently.

Those words haunted him. Who was she? How did she end up in the orphanage?

A few days later, Matthew returned to the orphanage to learn more. The director told him the girl’s name was Emily. She was reserved and didn’t interact much with the other children. Her mother had placed her in the orphanage, explaining that she was gravely ill and wouldn’t be able to care for her. Emily had no other relatives.

“By the way, her middle name is Matthews. Strange coincidence, isn’t it?” the director remarked.

“Could it really be a coincidence?” Matthew wondered. Determined to uncover the truth, he contacted the hospital where Emily’s mother had taken her before placing her in the orphanage.

In the hospital director’s office, Matthew explained the situation. The doctor remembered the woman and informed him that she had passed away. Her illness had advanced too far to save her. The documents confirmed that the child had been placed in the orphanage by her mother.

The woman in the passport photo looked familiar. On the drive home, memories began to surface—Diana. She wasn’t like the other women at the club where they had met. Their conversation had been easy, and they quickly connected. After one night together, Matthew had left for another city on business and, upon returning, hadn’t thought of Diana again.

“Could she really be my daughter? But why didn’t Diana say anything?” These questions consumed him.

After obtaining the necessary documents, Matthew decided to do a DNA test. The result confirmed a 94% match—Emily was his daughter. There was no longer any doubt.

A wave of mixed emotions overwhelmed him: joy, anxiety, and worry. He knew what it was like to grow up without parents and now couldn’t abandon this little girl.

Returning to the orphanage, Matthew found Emily staring thoughtfully out the window.
“You came back. Will you take me home this time?” she asked quietly, her voice tinged with sadness.

“Of course I will. Mom told me everything,” Matthew replied, hugging the girl.

For the first time, Emily hugged him back, feeling a glimmer of hope for a happy life.

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He arrived at the orphanage and couldn’t believe his eyes. There was his daughter