This story is about my husband’s grandmother.
When I got married, I moved in with my husband and his grandmother. My husband warned me that she was dirty and didn’t clean up after herself. But that didn’t seem to be a problem for me. Can’t I clean up or something? But how wrong I was. It turned out to be, what a problem.
I didn’t have time to clean up after her. When she came in from the street, she would run straight to the kitchen and keep her shoes on. How many times we reprimanded her, but there was no reaction. As if you were not talking to her. The bathroom was always dirty. As soon as I wash it, no more than half an hour, and then I have to wash it again. Also the toilet, kitchen sink, too. I usually clean when my grandmother is not home. It’s quieter that way.
If you wash the floor in front of her, she starts going back and forth. Or I’m sweeping, she’s bound to step on the trash. If I’m distracted, she walks by and sweeps all the trash up against the wall and takes the broom away. Like that’s it, she took out the trash for me. And like I’m ashamed to say, but we have roaches running around because of this filth. How many times have we washed them, but it’s no use. If there’s a source of dirt, you can never get rid of them. And I know that clean is not where you clean, but where you don’t litter.
When our baby was born and started crawling and then walking, I closed our room so he couldn’t crawl out into the hallway and beyond. How hard it is for the baby! He cannot walk normally around the apartment.
How many times I thought about renting a separate apartment. But I was on maternity leave, my husband worked alone. I was still studying, we took a car loan. My parents helped, and sometimes my grandmother helped with the groceries. Thank you very much for that. We had separate fridges, because she couldn’t store food properly either. She would buy meat and put it not in the freezer, but in the fridge on the top shelf. And without a bag. And until it goes bad, it will lie there. And when he starts to cook, there is such a smell all over the apartment! That’s why we cook food separately.
When I went to work after maternity leave, I got even worse at cleaning. My schedule is from 8:00 to 17:00. And while I’m tired I come home from work, pick up the child from day care, cook dinner, have dinner, it’s time to go to bed. Of course my husband helped me when he worked in shifts, and if he had a day off and I worked, he could cook lunch and dinner. But then his schedule became the same as mine.
Everyone wants to get some rest after work. And then you come home from work and everything is dirty, everywhere has to be washed and cleaned. I’m tired of complaining, because my grandmother can’t be helped, and he is tired of hearing my complaints. And so somehow get a break from grandma, at least in the summer, my husband and I decided to buy a cottage. We left on Friday night after work and came on Monday morning. I have not yet said that she has her own vegetable garden. Will come after the vegetable garden, make her pickles, and these jars explode after a while.
My mother-in-law keeps wondering how I have so much patience to live with her (six years now). I do not invite anyone to my house. My parents rarely come very much either. I don’t want them to come and look at this filth myself. My mom will accuse me that it’s me, that I’m the one who doesn’t clean, that I don’t keep clean. And I don’t have the strength anymore, I don’t have the patience.
My daughter has bedwetting, so I have to take her up to the bathroom a couple of times a night. I don’t get enough sleep, at work I’m constantly drowsy. And while we’re at work, during the day at home, grandma does all sorts of things. I hate weekends because those are the days I get to clean normally and everywhere. I hate weekends because they are not weekends to me.
This summer we hardly ever lived at home. We lived at the cottage. From dacha to work, from work to dacha. Good thing we have a car. And this summer I told my husband that I didn’t want to go back home, that we were going to rent an apartment. I said that I was tired and wanted to live in cleanliness.
No credit. I already got my diploma, I don’t have to pay for my studies. We’ll get by somehow. People rent apartments. But I’ve always wanted to go somewhere with my family on vacation, but it never worked out.
But if you rent an apartment, again no vacation. And I want a second child, but not in this filth. But first, a vacation.