Divorced women with children can only be envied

My husband was married and had a daughter from his first marriage. He warned me right away that in addition to alimony, he would sometimes buy the girl things or whatever she asked for. I agreed to these conditions, but I categorically forbade him to bring her to our house. We can also meet in the park, at a cafe or at his parents’ house. That family should be in the past.

At that time the girl was 8 years old and it wasn’t difficult for our family budget to dress her up or buy her a birthday present. But now she is 13, the demands have grown, and we already have a child of our own. My husband recently bought my daughter a winter jacket, and now she requires new sneakers, and not the usual ones, but a famous brand. He himself is waiting for sales to buy shoes, and she filed the best and most expensive. The girl is growing and her needs and requirements will grow with her.

But what about our son? But my husband reassures me that everything will be fine. I think divorced women have a better life. You don’t have to feed your husband and do your laundry, and the money goes over and above alimony. The main thing is to set the child up properly, so that he finds an approach to the father.

Maybe I should get a divorce, too, so my husband will pay attention to our son, too.

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Divorced women with children can only be envied