– You know what? I’m sick of you. I never loved you at all! I’ve been in love with Alice my whole life! Understand? And she raised the kids better! And she looks better than you, and her voice is nicer!
– Why did you marry me? Why didn’t you marry her? I remember – you had a choice between us, who to date.
– It got so twisted that your parents, my parents… Everything was decided for me, so I got married! I was a fool when I was young!
– That’s good. So there was no love, and there won’t be. My parents have been gone for five years and yours are gone too. I’m proud of you for making up your mind. I have nothing to do with you. You’re still young.
– Yes, I’m young in mind and body!
– We’re the same age as you, we can still do everything! Alice has been single for two years now. What am I saying, you know it yourself. Our daughter’s grown up, she’ll understand! Try it with her, or with some other girl. You’re a good-looking man, you’ve got a great figure. I’ll get over it. I definitely don’t need to hear that anymore.
– I mean… you’re breaking up with me?
– No, I’m giving you a divorce and total freedom. Didn’t your parents keep you and me?
– What divorce? So what? You get everything?
– No. Everything to you, and me the house we rented. From my parents. And I’ll take Baron, too.
– You have a long commute to work. From that house.
– I’ll get up an hour earlier. There’s an electric train every 15 minutes in the morning. People get there safely.
– You’re not taking Baron!
– All right, I won’t. But Alice, for example, has been afraid of dogs since she was a child. Baron will be a hindrance to you… to love your beloved.
I turned around and went into the bedroom. Took out two bags, began to fold clothes. There was silence in the house. I heard the sound of glasses and the opening of a cork.
Her clothes were folded, and her makeup went on.
Walked up, stood in the doorway, and did not go. He looks.
He can’t stand it.
– There are still tenants living in that house. They won’t move out.
– Their contract expires in two months. I’m not renewing it.
– Where to now?
– There’s a smaller house not far from here. It’s cheap. I’ll stay there for now.
– How do you know?
– I looked at the prices, the ad was open – I still seem to have written to them.
– Have you thought of everything?
– Of course I have! What’s the delay? The truth of your dislike is bitter, but we’ll get over it. I hope to go with Baron after all. He’ll be better off in nature, think about it. You don’t have time to look after him.
– Maybe you’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Your husband didn’t suit you?
– I was. But I didn’t know you had such a hard time with me. I respect you, and I remember your love, so I’m giving you your freedom.
Silence, only the sounds of picking up boxes of cosmetics, lipsticks, and the rustling of a bag.
– I remember, too. And you’re breaking up over a petty quarrel! You don’t have any love! I said all that on emotion, it just came out, and you’re glad.
– I’m not happy. But it’s for the best.
– Come on, I… poured. Let’s drink and talk.
– Get Alice. I can’t. I’ll drink with anyone now, but not with you.
– I don’t love her, I’m telling you, I snapped!
– If I’d never thought so, I wouldn’t have said so. I believe what you say. You wanted to humiliate her, and you didn’t hide what you thought of her and me.
– Oh, stop packing! You fool, I love you, I love you! Is that what you want to hear?
– I heard it all a little earlier. – And I won’t forget your truth.
– So go away! You’ll be lonely with thirty dogs!
– I’ll live with someone who appreciates, not praises some other woman. I’ll go to a marriage agency…. or I’ll live with dogs!
The bags were heavy, but, thank God, there is a possibility to pay extra to the cab driver to get up and help.
At forty-five, after the divorce, life for her husband will be over – and just life will begin!
Sad, fun, single and companionship, hard or easy, but life.
Wouldn’t let her in, went out without her slippers, in her socks in the entryway catching up.
And still she left.
Why? Unable to forgive?