– You haven’t earned a penny in all these years! And you have done very poorly at home! So you have no right to claim an apartment, either! – My husband told me.

My husband Robert and I have two children. But now our family may fall apart because of the purchase of the apartment. All because my husband wants me to sign a prenup and never think about claiming the apartment. Robert and I have been married for seven years. I really haven’t worked anywhere all these years. I raised our children and took care of the house.

I got married right after college and soon became pregnant. I gave birth to a son. All those years I received only maternity leave. And three years later I gave birth to my second son. Our family was supported by Robert. And he managed it very well. My husband and I lived in the apartment of my uncle, who lived and worked abroad.

Of course we were collecting money to buy our own apartment. Robert is a very responsible person and he took the matter very seriously. Every month he tried to save a certain amount of money. So it turned out that in seven years he had accumulated a good amount.

We wanted, of course, to save up even more to buy a better apartment. But then a relative of my husband said that he was going to return and that we had to vacate his apartment in three months.

So we decided to buy an apartment with enough money. My husband and I together traveled and looked for a suitable apartment: that there was a school, and stores, and it was not far to the hospital. In the end, we found a nice apartment and had to buy it.

And then my husband brought me a prenuptial agreement and told me that I had to sign it. I read this contract and looked at my husband with surprise. It turned out that I would not have any rights to the apartment.

– How so? – I was surprised.
– What do you want? After all, the money for which we are buying this apartment – mine! You did not help me at all! What do you want from me now? – Robert said to me.

And I was so hurt.

– But we’re a family! Yes, you worked, but I did all the housework and raised our sons.
– Yeah, you were really bad at doing all the chores. If my housekeeper worked like that, I would have kicked her out after a month. You rarely cleaned the apartment! We always had toys scattered all over the place. But I put up with all that for you and the kids. And you’re not a very good cook. You lived all those years raising our kids on the money I made. I supported our family, and I didn’t kick you out to work! That’s fair! So sign the contract! – Robert told me.

I just do not know what to do. I have two ways out of the situation. Sign a contract and continue to live with Robert, and hide my resentment deep inside. But there is a second option: that I will not sign anything at all. And when my in-laws arrive, Robert and I go back to live with our parents. My husband goes back to his parents, and I go back to mine.

But Robert will divorce me and buy his own apartment anyway. He will own the apartment himself. But then Robert will find a new wife very quickly. After all, he’s an interesting, good-looking man with a job. And now he will also have an apartment. So he won’t be without a wife for long. I just don’t know what to do next. What’s the right thing to do?

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– You haven’t earned a penny in all these years! And you have done very poorly at home! So you have no right to claim an apartment, either! – My husband told me.