I’m sorry, but you can’t have a family life without a routine.
I went to the window and thought about it. People are walking down the street, everyone is running about their business, cars are flying by… And it was like I was out of that rhythm of life. My wedding was beautiful, but I have to get my life back in order. And why did I tell my husband that I agreed not to go to work for at least six months. What would I do at home?
– You’ll have time to work, you are not ready for the routine of family life – my husband told me. – First you have to become a real hostess! No offense, but it is very difficult. You are active, but until you cope with the household and the work. Don’t be offended.
– Yeah, I’m not offended. Okay, I’ll think about it. I’ll stay home for a while. I’ll get used to it.
Of course, my husband’s right. I’ve lived with my parents for so long, and now I have to do everything myself. And cook and clean. It’s hard to adjust right away.
– I’ll help you with everything! – my husband assured me. – You just have to get used to the routine. Then everything will work out. Let the situation go. And make sure you have a positive attitude. To make things go faster and more fun, you need to treat everything with a dose of humor. Think of something funny.
I thought about it for a long time. I realized that during household chores, I had to hum something. I started thinking of different tunes. And now, while I was scrubbing the floors or doing the dishes, I hummed one of my favorite tunes all the time. But it started to piss off my husband. One day he stormed into the kitchen and asked me to stop singing:
– Please stop! After all, you’re disturbing my work. I can’t take it anymore. Day after day, you sing. Why don’t you go watch TV?
– Actually, I sing. You asked me to invent something to help me work at home, – I got offended. – And the water’s supposed to drown out all my singing. And I can’t stand in your way.
– No, you can’t. You know, I can hear everything in the room. Yeah, and the song’s kind of silly.
– Why is it stupid? It’s about the baby. I let you hear it on tape last week.
-I don’t remember giving you anything to listen to. Please don’t sing it again! Don’t sing it at all!
My husband grabbed his head and stormed out of the kitchen, and I got so angry I wanted to break everything around me. So much for “make it up. And he promised to help. He was lazy, he didn’t do anything, and he got in my way. Then I got really mad. And began to sing my song again. Now louder and louder. So that even the room could hear. And then I cried and began to finish the dishes, sobbing and softly humming the refrain of the song.
It wasn’t any better when I was cleaning. I was dancing with the vacuum cleaner and literally flying around the rooms with the brush. Once, while cleaning, I almost spilled my husband’s tea.
– What was all that wild dancing around the apartment? – My husband grumbled and poured himself a new cup of coffee.
– You asked me to make something up. So I’m trying.
My husband didn’t say anything back, went into the other room. Anyway, both he and I realized that family life could be very difficult.
And so, when one day I started cooking with passion, reciting special incantations over the soup, my husband couldn’t stand it:
– What, are you witchcrafting over the soup?
– Not anymore. You don’t like everything. Not my songs, not my dances, but my conspiracies. Your advice doesn’t help.
I continued to cook, sprinkling up and down the spices, wielding my knife beautifully as I sliced the vegetables. In general, I wizarded over the cooking as best I could. And I found some kind of outlet in it. I was distracted by my husband’s endless nagging remarks. I even began to like the idea of “making something up.
– You just have a lot of imagination. And your inventions are all very strange,” my husband said slowly.
– Yes, they are,” I answered resentfully. – But I made them all up myself. And I think I can do my homework now. So next week I go to work. It’s decided. And at home I will fight your nagging.