– You got kicked out of work again, loser. You’re on our backs. Eating our food. You live in my apartment!

Even before my only daughter was married, I bought her an apartment. To be exact, I didn’t buy it, they bought it. I gave half of it, my husband gave about 25%, and my daughter earned the other 25% herself. We bought a modest one-room apartment, well, as much money as they had, we are not millionaires…

After marriage, the daughter remained in her apartment, but with her husband, and a year later they had a daughter, and then a son. After the birth of the second child, the young parents realized that they were too cramped for a one-room apartment and decided to expand, but how? They cannot take out a mortgage because they do not have enough money for a down payment. They do not see any other solution. My son-in-law recently had an ingenious plan – to move.

Before that, I will say that my daughter has a good job. By the standards of our small town, she earns good money, but our prices are not low at the same time. My son-in-law made almost half as much as his wife, and before the wave of the famous pandemic, he was downsized. Now he works part-time – here he fixes things, there he guards, but, of course, on these pennies you can’t make a living.

Apparently, he thought for a long time and realized – it’s all about the city. It is because of our city, he sits on the back and looking for easy ways. He suggested his daughter to sell her apartment and move to another city, to start there from scratch, but with the certainty that tomorrow will be better.

To prove his point, he cited the example of his friend, who moved to the same city he wanted to move to and started making indescribable money there.

When his daughter refused to sell her apartment, he gave her a choice: a new city or a divorce. I told my daughter, “At least don’t burn all the bridges behind you. At least leave your job, take a vacation at your own expense. And she told me:

– I don’t want my kids to grow up without a father. I have to take this step. And in general, Mom, I’ve always lived by your instructions. It’s my life, my rules. Don’t interfere.

Of course you don’t interfere now! And then what happens?

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– You got kicked out of work again, loser. You’re on our backs. Eating our food. You live in my apartment!