With fear I think about how to tell my mom that my boyfriend and I have decided to get married…

Divorce parents I remember badly, I was only four years old at the time, but in memory of this event my grandmother, mother-in-law, rewrote the apartment to me, now we live in it. My grandmother tried her best to prevent the divorce, but she failed. She believed that the initiator was my father, so she signed off on my living space.

My mother had always been of the same opinion, she blamed Dad for all his sins, turned him against me in every way, and in the end we stopped communicating with him. The main reason was my mother’s crazy jealousy of me. My mother accompanied me to and from school, tried to please me with food, clothes, and toys, and would not let me make a step on my own.

Even as a student I could barely convince my mother not to meet me from the institute. If I was late by ten minutes at the most from the scheduled time, immediately began a stream of calls: “Where are you? I’ve been waiting for an hour, I’m worried!

All my explanations that I was an adult, a student, that I could stay late with friends, that I could finally go on a date, my mother did not perceive, and the last possible reason just threw her into shock. “What a date! You have school, forget about love affairs, or you’ll get a divorce like me and be alone!”

I tried to convince my mother that she wasn’t old enough to find a husband, but my mother wouldn’t hear anything about it. She thought the ideal family was mother and daughter. In my third year I noticed that my mom was trying to control my correspondence on social networks, on my laptop and on my phone. I had to password-protect my gadgets, and the next day my mom couldn’t take it anymore: “What’s wrong with your laptop, I can’t turn it on, I wanted to see the weather…”. My question as to why she didn’t look at the weather on her tablet or phone hung in the air…

I’m currently dating a guy, we’re in a great relationship, and we’re planning to get married. How to tell my mom about it – I just can’t think of anything, and in fact I will have to, in hindsight, with the two stripes that I got after the rapid test. I have been postponing this conversation for a few days, and my mom is beginning to suspect something and has established a total control – even eavesdrops on my phone conversations, trying to inadvertently walk into the room during the conversation, or stand by the door and gesture to show, they say, I will wait, talk. I guess from the outside it seems funny, but I’m not laughing.

I have to be resolute and infinitely upset my mother by telling her that I will soon be living with my husband, we will have a baby, and of course, I will not be able, as before, in the evenings to sit near her and talk about nothing. I did feel sorry for my mother, for she would probably not be happy about my marriage, but I could not spend the rest of my life with my mother!

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With fear I think about how to tell my mom that my boyfriend and I have decided to get married…