– Where are you? – Bella heard her husband’s voice in the receiver. – How long can you wait?! – I’m coming, darling! Bella quickly said goodbye to her friend and ran straight home. Entering the house, she went into the kitchen with a smile.

-“Where are you?” Bella heard her husband’s voice on the phone.

-I’m coming, darling! I just ran to my girlfriend for a minute! Long time no see…

Bella quickly said goodbye to her friend and ran straight home.

Paul returned from work earlier. It was not a long run – her friend lived nearby, just two houses away…

Entering the house, Bella tried to calm down, pulled herself together and went into the kitchen with a smile.

She poured her husband some hot soup into a big bowl and took some sour cream from the fridge.

-“Eat, darling, are you early today? Something at work?” Bella asked curiously.

-I’m being sent on a business trip, urgently. I came home and you’re not at home!” Paul replied. “The husband is not fed, and she’s running around with her girlfriends!

Bella just nodded her head, smiled guiltily and kept running around her husband, offering him supplements, bread, tea

Paul ate in silence. Bella stood by the wall and watched her husband eat. A picture of her childhood appeared in her memory. Her mother stood by the stove and watched her husband eat. Always ready to please, she often endured her father’s insults and never contradicted him.

Bella adopted this behavior of her mother. How could she understand at the age of six that her behavior was wrong? Her father often quarreled. But her mother did not say anything to him and did not contradict him.

When Bella turned 13, she asked her mother a question for the first time:

-“Mommy, why do you listen to all this from dad, it shouldn’t be like this when I get married,” Bella said confidently.

-“God willing, Bella, we’ll see,” her mother said and went to the other room and cried quietly.

Bella met Paul at the age of 23, she was working as a tour guide. Paul was in her group.

He noticed a pretty girl with wheat-colored hair and eyes as blue as lakes.

After the tour he approached Bella with a question.

-Do you give individual tours? Can you show me a “non-tourist” city?

In the evening Paul invited Bella to a cafe to thank her. To his surprise, she agreed. He was attentive and caring.

Three days later he was returning home. Bella accompanied him to the train. A long correspondence and calls began. Only after six months Paul was able to come again.

The meeting was joyful. Bella felt that she liked Paul very much.

He is not like her father. He is gentle and caring.

They were together for two whole weeks. She took a vacation. She gladly agreed to go with Paul.

Ten days flew by like one day. Then Bella introduced Paul to her parents. Mom understood that it was time for her daughter to get married, and Paul seemed to be a reliable and decent man.

Paul left this time alone, promising Bella’s parents to return in three months. And again correspondence and calls. He arrived unexpectedly before the New Year.

-“I can’t wait any longer, Bella, marry me. Come with me to the capital, I have a house there, my parents have known about you for a long time and will welcome you with joy.

Bella was so pleased with these words. She was not embarrassed by the fact that she hardly knew him, although they had been corresponding for a year, she knew only from his words.

She still agreed to Paul’s persuasion, quit her job and they left together.

The house was large, 20 km from the city. There was also a considerable farm.

It was hard for her, who grew up in the city, to get used to the new way of life.

She did not think about work anymore. Bella became a housewife…

It turned out that her life gradually began to turn into a life of bring-and-receive.

She still resisted inside, made a friend.

She did not want to upset her mother with her complaints. More and more she realized that Paul was not the same as before the marriage.

He gradually became bossy, did not tolerate objections.

Paul was packing his suitcase. In an hour the car will come for him…

-When will you be back Paul? -Bella asked timidly.

-In a week, don’t be sad…

He went to his wife and hugged her.

-Be good.

The next morning she went to the registry office, filed for divorce and went to her mother…

She did not want to live like this with her husband anymore…

That’s the decision Bella made.

And what do you think? Did Bella do the right thing or not?

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– Where are you? – Bella heard her husband’s voice in the receiver. – How long can you wait?! – I’m coming, darling! Bella quickly said goodbye to her friend and ran straight home. Entering the house, she went into the kitchen with a smile.