“What, you couldn’t pay for all the groceries, not just your own?”: he resented on the first date

I met a guy at a friend’s birthday party. He turned out to be a friend of her boyfriend. We seemed to like each other and he asked me out.

When we met, the young man said let’s go to the supermarket, buy some groceries and go to your friend’s house. Since it was cold outside and he didn’t offer any other option, such as a cafe or a movie, I agreed.

The young man said let’s buy pizza and some other little things. We went into the supermarket, took the cart and went shopping. And then he starts putting expensive cognac, a stick of good sausage, the same cheese, a can of caviar, red fish, pineapple in the cart… I was a little taken aback, and for my part I put tangerines and cheeses for cheaper, since I didn’t have much money with me. I was going on a date, not to buy groceries.

So I decided what a nice guy I got, generous.

We go to the cashier’s desk, there are five people in front of us. And then the young man leaves the cart and says, I’ll be right back. I didn’t understand what happened. Then it was my turn and I took tangerines and cheese, which I put in the cart, but I refused all the rest.

I go to the exit and I see a young man there, waiting for me. He wants to take the package, feels something wrong by the weight, peeks and asks perplexed, where is the rest of it? And I twisted my muzzle, showed him and left. He shouted something after me that I was petty, I couldn’t pay for everything, and he was wasting his time.

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“What, you couldn’t pay for all the groceries, not just your own?”: he resented on the first date