I’m married. My husband and I have a three year old son. I was going to a reunion recently. I so wanted to see all my friends and girlfriends! But there was one problem: I had no one to leave my son with. The thing is that I have a very peculiar mother.
She was totally against my marrying Richard. And the news that I was pregnant and that she was going to be a grandmother wasn’t happy at all. I guess she was just scared of the extra responsibilities. My husband and I are young and love to travel. That’s why I very often ask my mom to babysit my son. But my mom very often refuses me and then my husband and I have to change our plans.
And so it was this time. When I asked my mom to babysit, she said that she was going to the cottage and that she wouldn’t cancel the trip. I couldn’t convince her to stay in town with her grandson.
– I will not entertain him! I’m not a clown! This is your child! So you entertain him! – My mother told me.
I was very upset. Thanks to my husband, who talked his friend into spending a few hours with our son. That was the only reason I made it to the reunion. Do any of you have the same problem? How can I convince my mother to spend more time with her grandson?