My husband and I have always been very hospitable. When guests came to visit, we always tried to feed them delicious food. I cooked a lot of food: varied and good. My mother taught me that. In our family, we always welcomed guests that way. But as it turns out, there are people who welcome guests very differently. My husband had just such relatives.
Recently my husband and I went on vacation to Sochi. My husband and I wanted to live in a hotel, so as not to disturb or embarrass anyone. But my husband’s relatives persuaded us to stay with them. As soon as we arrived, my husband’s brother, Mark, said:
– We can’t feed you! There’s a great cafe nearby! Go there to eat! It’s inexpensive, but very tasty. We often go there ourselves!
We left our suitcases and went to that canteen because we were very hungry. For some reason Mark’s wife didn’t have a holiday table set up for our arrival. They decided not to bother with it.
We stayed with my in-laws for two days, and then moved to a hotel. We decided it would be better that way. We felt more comfortable that way. We were very uncomfortable when Mark’s family sat down to eat. We would immediately pack up and leave to eat at the cafe.
You have to agree that it looked very strange. My husband and I felt very uncomfortable. But my husband’s brother and his family were fine with it. The interesting thing is that when Mark came to visit us with his wife and children, I welcomed them very well.
I cooked a lot of good food. They would eat my food, praise me and admire my culinary talent. I was sure that when my husband and I came to visit them, they would greet us the same way. But I was wrong. Instead they sent us to the dining room to eat. That’s how relatives can be.