– We agreed! No children while we study! You said so yourself! And now what? You lied to me. You… I’m speechless! Adam, get the suitcase out of the closet.

-I thought we had a deal! – Adam was angry, looking at his girlfriend. She just smiled innocently, stroking her rounded belly, which irritated him even more.

-No children while we study! You agreed! You said yourself that you had to get back on your feet first! And what’s happening now? You lied to me. And when I left, you were already pregnant! What a fucking surprise! We haven’t seen each other for two months!” he exhaled and, calming down a bit, continued:

-How long?

-Almost five months,” Gloria smiled modestly.

-“And you didn’t say anything?” Adam was obviously furious. “No, I’m a fool not to have noticed, but you! You… I have no words! Why? What can we give the child? No apartment, no job!

-I always wanted a baby, but you were against it… I had to cheat, – the girl’s face did not leave a satisfied smile. -“Studying is not my thing, I wanted a big family since childhood! I will bring up a baby, and then we will have another one. Your grandmother will give us the apartment, let her move in with the children.

-Are you serious now?

-I mean it. -Yes. So when’s the wedding? I won’t fit into any dresses soon, so we have to hurry.

-You were really good at pretending to be a pretty girl, weren’t you?” Adam smiled as he pulled a suitcase out of the closet.

-What are you doing?” Gloria looked at the boy, who began to quickly pack his things.

-Why, can’t you see? I’m going to get out of this mess!” – the last shirt flew into the suitcase, and a laptop sat on top.

-So that’s it. The rent is paid until the end of the month, if you want to live here, you pay for it yourself. I don’t want to see you. If a child is born, we will make an examination. If it’s mine, I’ll pay alimony.

-What do you mean? -Gloria clapped her eyes ridiculously. -You have to marry me! I’ll tell your parents! And… And I will glorify you to the whole university!

-I don’t care. I can easily explain to my parents, they agree with my position not to have children before thirty. And mom doesn’t like you either, – the guy looked around the apartment, checking if he left anything behind, – and all my friends know it too. And if you start spreading rumors, you will regret it. It’s all your fault.

Adam left, leaving Gloria in hysterics because of the failure of all her plans…

Ten years have passed.

-Listen, Adam, – the head of the department where the man worked began seriously, – I heard some unpleasant rumors, so I decided to talk to you.

-Well, Arthur, I’m all ears.

-Do you have a son?

-Yes, – Adam grimaced, recalling a not the most pleasant story in his life, -He will soon be ten years old.

-But you don’t live with him, do you? -the chief inquired.

-No. Moreover, I don’t even know him, – the man calmly replied, putting the documents aside. – I met a girl, then she seemed perfect to me. And most importantly, she agreed with my opinion that you should have children only when you have a certain standard of living. Then I went to the last year of study, I did not have a job, as well as my own housing. I went to work for the summer, and when I returned, I found out that my wife was five months pregnant.

-And you just left her? Alone with the baby?

-“You had to think with your head,” Adam answered caustically, “And no, I did not leave her. I helped her financially. And now I help. I give a good amount from each salary. And I demand an account for every penny.

-Do you know that this lady cries to everyone that you pay her a penny? That you don’t love your child, that you quarrel with the boy?

-Really? – Adam banged on the table. His youthful carelessness continues to spoil his life even after all these years! I won’t give him another penny, let him pay alimony! And considering my official salary…

-Well, it’s not his fault… – Arthur said hesitantly, quickly calculating the approximate amount. Yes, in their firm most of the salaries were unofficial… – He’s hungry.

-He has a mother who shows a lot of herself. And she brings up her son the same way. I saw him once in the yard. Impudent, ill-mannered, considers himself almost a king… And by the way, Gloria recently got married. As for the rumors – I warned you…

Now Adam pays alimony – a very small amount. And before he paid six times more.

Gloria tried to be outraged, but… It’s her own fault. She should have kept her mouth shut…

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– We agreed! No children while we study! You said so yourself! And now what? You lied to me. You… I’m speechless! Adam, get the suitcase out of the closet.