I gave birth with my roommate two days apart. By some fateful coincidence we were also in the same room. I knew I was going to have a C-section, my neighbor Karina was admitted as an emergency and she had to give birth by herself.
In fact, Karina had no contraindications to natural childbirth, she looked short and strong. As long as I have known her Karina has been doing swimming and fitness, and in addition, she did powerlifting for a few months, but then she quit because she did not want to spoil her perfect figure.
When it was time for the doctors, since Karina had a very large fetus, asked her:
– Are you sure you want to give birth on your own?
– Of course I do, I closed that question for myself a long time ago,” her neighbor answered confidently.
After that Carina began to prepare for independent birth. Her neighbor’s fetus was very large, of course she suffered a lot during the contractions, but she delivered on her own. Carina gave birth only eight hours after arriving at the hospital, the baby was a real giant and weighed over four kilograms. After childbirth Carina fell asleep for the first time in many days.
The next morning the doctor we had never seen before came to our room. It goes without saying that we had no doubts that the man was a doctor, because they didn’t let anyone in the maternity ward for nothing. The doctor gave us a hard look and asked:
– And which one of you gave birth at eight o’clock last night?
At that time, Carina was in labor with her baby. Of course, without a backward glance she honestly confessed:
– Doctor, I gave birth, why?
The doctor looked at Carina with undisguised interest and said:
– You see, I’m not a doctor, I’m the brother of the doctor who delivered you yesterday. My brother asked me to fix something in his ward. I’m a welder. However, after seeing what you did yesterday…I was bound to see the frail woman who ripped the handrails out of the couch by the roots during childbirth!