The ringtone on my daughter-in-law’s phone made me wonder whether to give my son a home

My sister-in-law and I have always gotten along and there have never been any fights between us. We tried to help each other. When Helena was in the hospital I helped her, I visited her, I took my grandson away for a while. And then I made the decision that enough for the family to live on rent – it’s time to give them an apartment.

By that time they had a grandson and were expecting a granddaughter. I only have two apartments, one of which is for rent. I live on this money, I consulted with my son, and we decided that he and his family could move there. At this point I noticed how differently my daughter-in-law was acting – she was rude and rude, but I put it down to a hormonal malfunction. And soon things should be getting better.

I recently decided to gather my closest friends for an anniversary celebration. It was my 60th birthday. I spent the whole day spinning and twirling and cooking for all the guests. The evening went just fine, only my son and daughter-in-law got ready to go home early because my grandson wanted to go to bed. I didn’t talk them into staying, I put some cake with them. My son went out to start the car, and my daughter-in-law couldn’t find her cell phone. We joined in the search. She looked nervous. I offered to call her, she denied it, I called anyway, and what was my surprise when instead of a ringtone, a dog barked! Can you imagine that?

My daughter-in-law didn’t explain and came out with my son in silence. I was stunned and stood at a loss. How do I react to this? My eyes welled up with tears, my girlfriends and relatives all started to calm me, to console me, and I didn’t know how to react, because it was such a shame! Offensive to tears.

I wonder if my son knows this? Or he set one for himself, to make fun of me together? In the morning he asked me for the key to the second apartment, he was going to move my things. He spoke in his usual tone. But I sharply replied that the way to that apartment for his family is closed, and let him thank his wife for that!

I have no idea whether my sister-in-law shared with him what happened, but no one calls me, no apologies. Only once they called me and reproached me for my bad behavior. And what did I do to deserve this attitude from them? I always tried to help and never refused them anything.

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The ringtone on my daughter-in-law’s phone made me wonder whether to give my son a home