Children know only what they are taught, they have little experience of their own, so it turns out that the basis for the future is set by those who bring them up – parents. Therefore, parents should expand their horizons to have something to teach their children. Once a father decided to teach his son life lessons. He just wanted to show that they live well and decided to take the child to the farm.The father thought that this trip will teach his son to appreciate what they have and will make him more purposeful and enterprising in the future. The boy compared their house to a farm, but came to completely unexpected conclusions
His father worked all his life to earn capital. The man started everything from scratch, but he wanted his son to just see it and not have to go through all the hardships himself. The man wanted his son to understand the huge difference between the poor and the rich.So one day he decided to take his son to a poor family so that he could see how they live. They spent a few days and nights with the family.The boy worked, went to bed early and got up early, did not use the phone and computer.When they were driving back, the father asked his son if he liked it all? “Dad, it was great,” the boy replied. The father was pleased with this answer.
– Did you see how the poor live? – asked the father, thinking that the boy will start to talk about how well they live, unlike the poor.- Oh yes! – said the son – So what did you learn for yourself? – asked the father.The son answered: – I saw that they have 4 dogs, and we have 1. We have a pool 4 meters long, they have an endless stream. We installed lanterns in the garden, and they have stars in the sky. Our yard ends with a gate, and their yard knows no end. We have a little land, they have endless fields, around our house there are walls that protect us from enemies, and they have friends who immediately rush to help.
My father was literally numb. In the end, this trip turned out to be useful for him as well.Then the son added: – This trip showed me how poor we really are.Have you ever thought about such questions? Is happiness material wealth? Each of us has his own point of view, we can not blame others for something, but I think that the story of this boy will be a great lesson for us! He managed to see all the most valuable things in life.Sometimes we all need to become a little bit of children to accept the world as it is and forget about stereotypes!