The grandmother left the apartment to her grandson – and began to visit him in his sleep. When he woke up in the morning and looked at the table, his jaw immediately dropped.

I was studying at the university when my grandmother left us. It was a real blow for our family, especially hard for me. I trusted her with all my secrets, could always count on her help and protection when my parents did not like something.

And so I began to live an adult life, moved out of my parents and decided to earn my own money. To be honest, I was not very good at it, I was short of money. It is very difficult to combine work and study. My parents still helped me. And at one point I was able to save up and buy a motorcycle – it was my dream. I was ready to be malnourished, but to save up for what I wanted. Happiness did not last long, I could not cope with the control, fell and I had a cast on my arm. I had to forget about work, as I was repairing phones, and this is work with small parts.

When the cast was removed, another grief happened in our house. My mother was hospitalized and had to undergo an expensive operation. We all decided that we would sell the apartment for my mother to be healthy.While we were looking for buyers, I lived in my grandmother’s apartment. After the incident with my mother, I went to the portrait of my grandmother and started talking to her. Just like before.

That night my grandmother came to me in a dream, sat in her favorite place near the flower and constantly paid attention to it. In the morning, when I woke up, I remembered that I had not watered it for a long time and it was probably a sign.

The next night, my grandmother came to the flower again and tried to move it, but she failed. The dream was so realistic that in the morning I came to the flower and could not understand what was wrong with it.

And that night again my grandmother came to me in a dream, she came to the same flower, began to push it, it fell and the pot broke.

I woke up and I had goosebumps. I decided to turn the dream into reality and move the flower. When I put it on the floor, I saw that there was a non-native board in the table. Taking it away, my jaw dropped.

It turned out that it was my grandmother’s hiding place where she kept jewelry and money. What surprised me the most was that my grandmother felt that we needed money.

Thanks to this discovery, we made my mother’s surgery, kept the apartment, and even had enough for a good car. Now whenever I come home, I greet my grandmother, as I feel her support.

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The grandmother left the apartment to her grandson – and began to visit him in his sleep. When he woke up in the morning and looked at the table, his jaw immediately dropped.