There should be no unwanted children….
Having children is a natural extension of a couple’s life. However, the desire to have a child is not enough. There may well be a number of problems that interfere with the traditional course of events. In modern medicine there are alternative methods of solving the issue.
surrogate motherhood
The story that happened to the characters refers to the latter method.
They always wanted children. The relationship developed according to the classic scenario. They got acquainted while still in school, fell in love with each other. Having settled in life, they decided to start a family. The problem of conception did not arise at once. I had to pass a difficult way through numerous examinations, analyses, visits to reproductologist. The result was disappointing. She could not conceive by any known medical method on her own.
Their desire to have a full family was so great that the couple decided to choose a woman who could give them a child.
The candidate for the position was chosen with great care. They painstakingly studied all the facts from their biography, including the number of men with whom they had a close relationship. The couple wanted to be sure that the risk of bearing a child with genetic abnormalities and disadvantageous heredity was minimal.
Having chosen a surrogate mother for their unborn child, the couple accompanied her to all medical appointments, meticulously cared for her health, and jealously selected the maternity hospital. In the last stages of pregnancy, the surrogate mother was assigned a date for her planned surgery. A natural childbirth was not possible due to the indications. The mother, who had her own children, did not resent the announcement. In her opinion, the main thing is the health of future children, not her wishes. According to the ultrasound, the mother-to-be of “other people’s” children was to have twins.
On the day of the surgery, the couple was not present at the delivery, which surprised the surrogate mother.
She put it down to possible anxiety. They did not get in touch with each other on the day their children were born, nor on the following day. During the casual conversation of the nurses the surrogate mother found out that the couple broke up and decided that her children would be an extra reminder of the broken relationship. According to the expectant mother, she had no right to put her signature on the paperwork relating to the newborns, since she wasn’t the one who gave birth to them. Legally, she has nothing to do with them. Let the one who brought them into the world do it.
Dumbfounded by this news, the surrogate mother scrutinized the faces of the newborns and asked questions she would never hear the answer to.
There should be no unwanted babies. On the day of discharge, the surrogate mother left the maternity hospital as the mother of two more children.