– That’s it, I’m retiring! You’re going to help me, aren’t you? – I asked my son. Before my son could answer, my daughter-in-law showed her true face.

Sarah, fifty-nine years old, is no longer able to work. She wants to, because if she left her job now, her pension would be miserable. And if she reaches retirement age, the pension will be much higher. But her health does not give. She hardly gets to work, her body aches and she has no energy left to work. Sara has high hopes for help from her son. She decided to ask him if she could count on his help.

– Certainly, I will help, mother. What questions can there be? – answered the son. – Will a couple of thousands a month be enough for your living expenses? That’s fine. And if you need to buy something, like clothes, or medicine, I’ll provide that, too. Don’t worry.

Mother sighed freely. But when her daughter-in-law found out, she threw a fit. She wouldn’t give her mother-in-law any snow in winter. And here the threat, real or imaginary, to her well-being. Sara’s son is thirty-three years old. Marie, his wife, is thirty years old. Her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did not cause scandals, each living in her own home, but they could not become friends either. A cold-neutral relationship was established between them. Even the birth of her granddaughter could not improve their relationship. Her granddaughter was five years old.

But Marie never came out of maternity leave. That is, the state does not pay her the childcare allowance, and she does not want to work. The family is supported by her husband. He earns very good money, he can afford to keep a housekeeper, and he can send his wife and daughter on vacation several times a year. How much money he earns in a month, neither the mother nor the wife knows.

But apparently, the daughter-in-law fears that by helping his mother, he will cut funding for her useless life. For example, he will fire the housekeeper. And she will have to vacuum her own apartment. That is why she calls her mother-in-law an impertinent person. Is Sarah entitled to her son’s help?

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– That’s it, I’m retiring! You’re going to help me, aren’t you? – I asked my son. Before my son could answer, my daughter-in-law showed her true face.