This is why I won’t let my children go to their grandmothers.

31 years old, I have 2 daughters, ages 3 and 1. I decided to raise them every day.

When I had my first child, I was foolishly naive and believed that my grandmother would be there to help. They made it worse than they helped, so I had to do everything by myself.

It’s all in detail.

After my daughter was born, especially after I was released from the hospital, I felt helpless. I didn’t know which way to go. How do you get on? After having two children, it seems so easy. It was three years ago that it made everyone go to bed. As it turned out, his wife was also affected by the fact that “in the head” is not a place where instructions are given for raising babies.

Because older people have more experience in life, I assumed they would be better equipped to care for their elderly relatives. It was difficult to find the right answer because everyone had different ideas.

Of course, your humble servant learned to change diapers and do much more. This is what makes me smile.
Also known as Grandma 1, my mother-in law:

-You should pray about water, and let the baby only drink it.

Within six months, I purchased a filter that produces water with the correct structure. This is the only water you need to drink.

I also sell shungite soap made in Kazakhstan. It is only recommended that you use this soap to wash your baby. You should also rub it on any areas that hurt. You can also apply it to a dry nose. It can also be used to treat hemorhoids.

I don’t know why children get sick from being raised incorrectly.

To ensure that the child does not scream, he must go to the fortune teller.

Grandmother 2 (whom I also refer to as my mom):

Screaming is okay, it will pass. You can give me a pill and I’ll feel much better.
– Your children spend too much on toys. You need to be more frugal.
– I go to my grandchildren’s house every weekend at 1 p.m., even though I have to take my daughter to the movies at 4:45 p.m. My sister lives with my mother, and she sees her grandchildren about three hours per week.
It’s possible for a child to be fed sweet or salty food for approximately 6 months. You must try everything if the child asks.
Although I love my mom dearly, I have many questions about her upbringing.

What she gave me, and whether or not I tried it. My grandmother often left us at her house. I recall that Anacom custard (quick noodles), was what we ate for many days. They also cooked fat at home. My cough as a child was not treated properly and I developed a whooping cough. Now, I understand what went wrong with my liver and how to fix it.

Bottom line: While I think our grandmothers can be great, I wouldn’t mind leaving my children with them for a few nights. You’re welcome if you’re being watched. ((I’m not paranoid but I am afraid).

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This is why I won’t let my children go to their grandmothers.