– Take your wobble and get the hell out of my apartment!

This story started the day my son and I were discharged from the maternity ward. After I gave birth I had a small tummy, of course – it was completely natural, but my husband had his own opinion on the subject. Every day he, without choosing his words, told me how ugly I had become, and that he was disgusted to look at me because of my fat, and therefore I must immediately take care of myself.

However, the first months after childbirth of any gym was out of the question, because I did not give birth by myself, and I had a C-section. However, my husband did not care about this. Sometimes he would drive me to tantrums with his nagging. Each time he told me that stress has a positive effect on the figure and I should be grateful to him for what he gets off my nerves and keeps my nervous system in good shape.

What hurt me even more was that my mother-in-law, despite the fact that she herself was a woman in labor, was always giving in to her son and also reproaching me for hanging a fetal child on her boy. Every time my mother-in-law came to visit, I prepared carefully so that she would have nothing to complain about.

One day my husband came home with his girlfriend and told me to leave the apartment immediately, since he was going to live here with his new sweetheart. I cried and started packing. I overheard my husband bragging to his mother-in-law that he had finally got rid of the pig, that is me.

My mother-in-law told her son to expect her to visit, because she wanted to meet his new sweetheart. I gathered all my courage into a fist and went out to meet my mother-in-law with a stone face. I could not cry in front of that woman. However, what happened next shocked me to my core.

My husband’s mother rushed into the apartment and slapped her dearest child from the doorstep with a couple of heavy slaps. She began to reproach her son for his lack of shame and basic conscience, and then she told her son to take his wobbler and get the hell out of her apartment. It took my spouse’s mother five minutes to get her son and his flirt out of the apartment. Then she and I sat down for tea, and she said she would support me the whole time. For me it was hard to understand how my mother-in-law didn’t realize that she was the one who made my son like that. Doesn’t she understand that the fact that her son lives only for himself is her fault, since she has always indulged him in everything?

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– Take your wobble and get the hell out of my apartment!