The loyalty that dogs have with those they love the most seems incomparable, it is not for nothing that they are said to be the best friend of human beings, but they can also be the best friend of each other.
They are protective beings by nature, one of the bravest guardians that exist and they show it at every moment. They are always alert when a person or one of their own is in danger, and thanks to their acute senses they manage to rescue them. One such moment was recorded in a video that has become popular on social networks, where a dog saved the life of his “friend” by preventing him from being run over by a kind of motorcycle cab.

The two stray dogs were calmly strolling along an apparently uncrowded two-way street in the vicinity, probably in search of food to eat. One was black and the other brown. As can be seen in the video, the two decided to cross the street when they noticed that no vehicles were passing by, so they felt safe and confident that there would be no danger. The little brown dog left behind his friend, who was walking more slowly and less attentive to his surroundings. At a moment when he was alone and stopped in the middle of the track, a large vehicle appeared in the same lane where he was and in his direction.
The car failed to slow down, and the black dog noticed his presence when he turned towards it, so he turned as fast as he could to get out of the track but the vehicle was going faster and it looked like the worst was about to happen until his brown companion ran up to him to push him from behind onto the sidewalk. He saved him from being run over.

The two ran to a safer area after the scare they went through. The video on Twitter has nearly 3 million views and has received comments praising the hero doggy and criticizing the driver of the vehicle. “And then some people say that animals don’t think or feel”, “Let’s learn from them”, “I love you very much rescue doggie” were some of them in the publication.
An admirable gesture by the hero dog to be so brave for the welfare of his friend. They don’t have a home, but they do have themselves, that’s why they protect themselves at all costs so they don’t get lost. An example that canines are so loyal to humans and their furry companions.

Below is the video:
Te quiero mucho perrito que salva a su amigo de que lo atropellen 🥺
— Dilo con perritos (@DiloConPerritos) March 6, 2022