Although it is common to see puppies learning tricks, for some reason it is something that never ceases to amaze us. They are so cheerful when cared for as they deserve, full of energy and quite enthusiastic.

They are so intelligent that we sometimes see them performing jobs, whether as assistance dogs, working in airports or even as rescuers. It is enough to see them to make us smile and win our affection even more. Such is the case of a dog from Cordoba, a city located in the state of Veracruz in Mexico, who has won the affection of the neighbors for the tricks he has learned in order to receive some food.

The moment was recorded by Cristian Zab and uploaded to his TikTok profile, in which the puppy can be seen quickly wagging his tail while staring at a woman in the neighborhood, who gave him the order to turn in his position. The canine didn’t seem to understand the signal so the woman repeated it back to him in different words. “But turn around,” she told the animal and it immediately complied. The little dog took impulse and turned quickly on its place, jumping up and down very tenderly. The woman and other people waiting to see the trick laughed and were glad he did it, so as a reward she handed him his expected reward: a loaf of bread.

He threw it to her to catch it, but she dropped it on the floor. It didn’t matter because he ate it and enjoyed it anyway. As reported by the user who posted the record, the canine has an owner and apparently frequents the place to do his business. Some criticized the fact that the woman threw the bread at him instead of approaching and giving it to him directly, but the person who uploaded the moment clarified that since it was a bakery they had to maintain hygiene protocols.
The video quickly went viral and reached more than half a million views, in addition to many comments:
“Once again proven the intelligence of animals…. ,” said one.
“Ya adóptalo la verdad vale la pena, no te arrepentirás”, commented another.
“I love you so much doggy who does tricks to survive,” said a last one.
Below is the video:
@cristianzabjim #perrito se vuelve viral luego de que le ofrecen pan a cambio de quede una vuelta