She was working abroad for 9 years, and when she returned home, no one even met her at the train station of her hometown.

Due to the difficult financial situation, Maria decided to go to work. She thought that she would come back as soon as she saved some money. However, everything dragged on for 9 long years. At home, the woman left her daughter with her son and her husband, who liked to drink.

The work was not easy. At first, the woman had to take care of an elderly lady who was very demanding. However, Maria endured everything for the sake of her family. Later, she additionally started working as a shop assistant. There was almost no time for rest. She had 4 hours a day to sleep. But the woman did not complain because her family needed it.

Two years passed. Maria decided that it was time to return. However, her husband dissuaded her from this decision. He said that they had no more money, and then her son started dating a girl. Apparently, the wedding is not far off.

So the woman stayed for another year, and then another and another. She sent the earned money to her family and kept in touch with them via Skype. So 9 years passed.

Finally, Maria decided to return to her homeland. She brought with her gifts and presents, which she had been saving for a long time.

When no one met her at the station, the woman was not upset. She thought that her family was preparing a surprise for her. She called a taxi and went to the home address. In the yard, the wife saw her husband and then her daughter. Both hugged Maria, but without much enthusiasm.

An hour later the son came to visit with his bride. He said that they were going to celebrate the wedding in the most expensive restaurant in the city, and then fly to Italy for their honeymoon. They already have one elite resort in mind.

Then the son hinted to his mother that their young family needs their own housing. After that, the visit ended, because the couple was in a hurry to the future mother-in-law.

In the evening Maria, sad and tired after the cold meeting, went to the bedroom. There she saw someone else’s women’s clothes. The man explained that it was his daughter’s things that she had left there by mistake.

The next day, the woman went to the city. On the way, she met an old friend who told her that in fact a strange woman had been living in her house for a long time. He and his children had been living all this time on the money sent by his wife. None of them denied themselves anything, except Maria herself.

Finally, everything fell into place, and the woman only realized that her family was not happy to see her. They understand that their carefree life is over.

Maria decided to pack her things and return to where she came from. This time she planned to earn money for her own place and finally start living for herself. As for her family, it was time for them to take responsibility for themselves.

Did the woman do the right thing?

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She was working abroad for 9 years, and when she returned home, no one even met her at the train station of her hometown.