Parents spoil their granddaughter so that she thinks she is a princess and others are her servants. She is going to school soon, but she still counts on her fingers.

It may seem strange, but I believe that it was because of my granddaughter that my son divorced. The fact is that when she was born, all my sister-in-law’s family believed that it was necessary to help her in her upbringing. Her mother even moved into their apartment to help her daughter with the newborn. The son’s apartment was already cramped, and now the mother-in-law was added.

Everything could have been different if the daughter’s upbringing had been treated more adequately. As soon as she cried or screamed, everyone fulfilled her wishes and whims. Thus, at the age of six months, the girl realized that she could manipulate adults with her crying. At home there was an eternal mess and an empty refrigerator. Of course! After all, the princess needed constant care, and the man could take care of himself.

One day my son got tired of all this commotion and decided to divorce. Of course, he did not leave his daughter. However, even after the divorce, my son continues to raise his daughter as a princess. He presents her with all kinds of dresses, cosmetics, shoes for real princesses. All my talks about the need to ground this rebellious madam lead to scandals.

My son accuses me of being unloving, but it is not so. My granddaughter is so much in the role of a princess that she does not think about school at all. She will soon go to the first grade, and she does not want to study. She still counts with her fingers and even confuses some numbers. The alphabet is not interesting to her, as well as the rest of the books. All my attempts to convey some useful information to her come to naught. She does not have even primitive knowledge that children of 4-5 years know.

The girl’s parents claim that they have a proven successful model of education, where the child decides what and how to do. However, I believe that the child should be more modest and have at least an elementary culture of communication with adults. Recently I decided to see my granddaughter less often because my nerves can not stand her behavior. She does not know the words “excuse me”, “please”, “thank you”. I do not accept her manner of communication, so let her parents take care of her upbringing.

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Parents spoil their granddaughter so that she thinks she is a princess and others are her servants. She is going to school soon, but she still counts on her fingers.