My husband Andrew and I have been married a long time. Before we know it, we’ll be celebrating our silver anniversary, even though our children are still young. Our daughter is 10 years old and our son recently turned 4. Our lives are similar to those of millions of other people… School, work, dreams and reality, love and travel, risks, tears and champagne, buying a studio apartment, building a house and business, having children and… And you realize that life flies so fast that you don’t have time to look back! The worries and hassles, children and work…
I wasn’t on maternity leave. Or rather, I was on maternity leave, but I worked from home. We have our own little business. My husband is the director, the head. He looks for clients and supplies equipment, and I do accounting, management and human resources. On top of all that, I also have another job, an official, government job. That’s what we decided. Business is a risky business and you don’t want to be left without anything at one point. My son turned 3 and I went to work. Everything as usual. True, the staff has changed a bit. Who left, who came. I quickly got acquainted with the newcomers and plunged into work.
One day, during lunch, a colleague told me that my parents had a lot of potatoes and they were planning to sell them. If anyone wants them, she’ll bring them over. Of course, I want them. I ordered 4 bags and she promised to bring them to work after the weekend.
Monday. A coworker brought the potatoes and left them in the car. At the end of the day my husband promised to come and pick it up. He came. We walked up to the cars and out of the corner of my eye I noticed that my husband looked at his colleague strangely. I got the impression that they knew each other. But, no… It must have been nothing. I introduced them, we took the potatoes and went home.
A few days later a colleague asked me:
– Lisa, and Andrew really your husband? How long has he been my husband?
– Olivia, – I told her, – he is my husband. He has been my husband for a long time. For 22 years now. And we have children.
– Oh, Lisa, I didn’t want to tell you, but I can’t not tell you. Your children are still young.
– Tell me, don’t drag it out!
– It was my sister’s anniversary in June, and your Andrew wasn’t there alone. He was there with my niece Sarah, my sister’s daughter. No, not as the official groom, but as my niece’s favorite husband. That’s what she told me, that he was her favorite husband. She’s 37. She wasn’t married, lived in the capital and then came home. Her sister told me that her husband helped her to buy an apartment, got her a job…
– Thank you,” I said to Olivia, “you don’t have to go on.
I understood everything. Yes, I was worried. So many years together… Of course, I couldn’t help noticing the changes in my husband, but he wrote them off as temporary difficulties at work, fatigue. Now I understand those difficulties. It wasn’t hard for me to figure out the address of the “young maiden”.
One Friday after work, I went to talk to her. Our conversation did not work out. The only thing she said that my problems I have to solve myself. So I began to solve them.
Andrew’s behavior had not changed. Now he openly went to visit her, sometimes stayed overnight at her place. Often it happened on weekends. In November I decided it was time for me to rest and go to the sea. My husband and her went on vacation. I bought a trip to Egypt for 10 days, took the kids to Sarah… Why? My husband spends his free time with her, he has not abandoned the children, he is not deprived of parental rights, let him take care of them.
In short, I brought the children to Sara and said that the children would live with them for a while. My daughter goes to school 5, 4th grade, classes are from 8-00. My son goes to Kindergarten 130, he has to be brought there from 7-40 to 8-00. I gave her the contacts of the family doctor. That’s it. I handed the kids and their things over while Sarah didn’t understand anything, closed the door and left.
Yes, I was in pain. I was very worried. I was worried. But I realized that the children, besides that woman, have a father nearby… I came back after 10 days. My husband was at home with the children. Alone. Without Sarah. Love was not tested. Andrew said he was so-and-so, that it wouldn’t happen again. That was the past. And now the present…
Seven years have passed since then. Our relationship with Andrew is magical, and our family is wonderful. I can’t even imagine how I could give my husband away to some girl after living with him for so many years? We built both our family and ourselves and our business together for what? To ruin it all? No, that wasn’t me. Was it hard for me to forget the affair? I’ll be honest, it’s impossible to forget. But if you decide to get your husband back and keep your family, then you just have to not think about this fact and let it go. I let go, I forgave. I live with what I have…
Would you be able to give up your children for another woman husband? I assure you, you don’t have to be afraid!