My mother left me, and after all these years she still appeared in my life. After she asked me for help, I realized that I didn’t want this woman in my life anymore

It so happens that I don’t really remember my parents. They were not together for a long time. I was raised by my grandmother, who replaced them all. I had a full-fledged family until I was six years old. And everything was fine.

One day my father started packing his suitcases. At the time, I thought that he was going on a business trip, as usual, and would be back home in a week. My grandmother and I still don’t know why he left and never came back. My mother never raised the topic, and I never asked. At first, my mother tried to be strong, went to work, and one day she brought me to my grandmother’s house in the village, and she went somewhere. I missed her and could not understand why my mother did this to me. I went to the road almost every day in the hope that my mother would come back for me. Since then, she has disappeared from our lives.

My grandmother replaced everyone for me. I thank her for not sending me to an orphanage back then, even though she was old and could barely walk. She supported me and did everything she could to give me a normal childhood. I was no different from my peers.

My grandmother could have left me in an orphanage or put me under the care of another family. It is unlikely that anyone would have condemned her for this, because it is not easy for an older person to raise a small child alone. Especially on one pension.
Time passed. I managed to finish my studies at the university, get my diploma, and then I found a job in a leading company, did an internship there, and within a month I was their employee. Since then, my life has been changing.

I started earning a decent salary, so I was able to rent my own place. I moved out of my grandmother’s house, but I didn’t stop visiting her and taking care of her. Finally, I was able to fully support myself and my grandmother. Every week I brought her groceries, paid for utilities, and bought her medicine. And she, in turn, could now rest more and not constantly worry about me.

Later, we hired a new employee at the firm, her name was Maria. I immediately took a liking to her. We began to communicate, and later met. A year later, I proposed to her.

It was at this time that I learned that my mother had returned to our city. My grandmother gave her my number. My mom called and asked to meet. I thought she wanted to apologize to me. But I was wrong. The only thing she needed from me was for me to provide for her financially. Like, she was in a difficult situation now, and I was earning good money…

Later I found out that during my absence from my life, my mother had another family – a husband and a child. And none of them wants to work, so my mother has to earn money for the whole family herself. In her opinion, I live well, so I can definitely help her.

I was just amazed by such audacity. I didn’t think my mother would be so brazen. She once left me with my grandmother and disappeared to God knows where. This woman left me without the most important thing – a mother’s love and care. It was not easy for me to get everything I have now. And my mother had the nerve to ask me for financial assistance.

Of course, I refused to help her, but I reminded her of what she once did to me. My mother has nothing to do with my success. The only person I will be grateful to for the rest of my life is my grandmother. She did a lot for me. I don’t know how my life would have turned out if it weren’t for her. I’m glad I didn’t grow up like my mother. I hope she will never appear in my life again. Now I definitely don’t want to hear anything about her.





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My mother left me, and after all these years she still appeared in my life. After she asked me for help, I realized that I didn’t want this woman in my life anymore