Because of my dear mother-in-law, I will definitely never go back to canning again. I recently found myself in the hospital under an intravenous drip.
And it all started at the end of February. A lot of goods disappeared from the supermarket shelves. My mother-in-law decided to take care of us and gave us a whole bag of canned food. I could barely carry it all into the apartment. If I had known that I would end up in intensive care because of her cans, I would have thrown it all in the trash on the way.
More than thirty jars of jam, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and salads. My mother-in-law and father-in-law are avid mushroom pickers. As soon as the season starts, you won’t find them at home. They wake up before everyone else and know the places where there are the most mushrooms.
I have always loved my in-laws’ preserves, especially in winter. So a week ago I asked my wife to cook mashed potatoes with my mother’s mushrooms and salad for dinner. I had such a good dinner. Watching football, a delicious dinner after a hard day’s work. A dream…
But at night, I woke up with a piercing pain all over my stomach. I thought it was just something I hadn’t digested properly. But no, it only got worse. We called an ambulance. I was immediately sent to the infectious diseases department. They did a lavage, and meanwhile my wife went to get those mushrooms for analysis. As it turned out, they were spoiled. And who knows how long they had been in the cellar.
My mother-in-law gave us the old jars. It was amazing! When the doctors told me that my condition was due to preservation, I could hardly contain myself. And she thought of passing this on to her family. What if our daughter had eaten those mushrooms? What would have happened then? It’s good that I still have a strong stomach.
I’m looking forward to meeting my mother-in-law to tell her everything!