My mother-in-law is a very bad influence on my husband. She uses him and constantly demands money…

When I married Adam, I had a great relationship with my mother-in-law. Before that, Adam and I lived in a common-law marriage for a year and a half. We lived in a rented apartment, we were still students. We worked and studied a lot. We were desperately short of time, so Roma only called his mother. We rarely visited Adam’s parents.

And then we got married. But we didn’t have a wedding because we decided to save money. The thing is, Adam and his best friend decided to go into business. They wanted to open their own car service, and they succeeded. Now they not only have a car service, but they also have a car wash and several stores with car parts and two big tire shops.

We have already bought a great apartment with a mortgage. We have a son growing up. My husband earns excellent money, and we live very well. Now Adam has more free time because they always agree on which of them will supervise the work and which of them will rest.

Since my husband’s money is in order now, his parents have decided that he should definitely help them. They invite my husband to visit them all the time. My husband drinks very rarely and very little. But when he has at least one drink, he becomes very kind. And then he is ready to promise anything. And then he is bound to keep it all: after all, he considers himself a man of his word. And my mother-in-law takes advantage of this unscrupulously.

She constantly asks for money: now to repair the apartment, now she demands that Adam make repairs on the cottage. And so all the time! And I say nothing of the fact that it constantly destroys our family plans. Instead of coming with me and the child to walk in the park, my husband rushes to the hardware store to fulfill his mother’s orders.

My mother-in-law doesn’t even want to go to the hospital herself. She asks Adam to take her there. I tried to make it as rare as possible for Adam to visit his parents. After all, when Adam talks to his mother on the phone, he can say a firm “no” to her. Well, when he goes to visit her, he will never say no to his mother.

The fact that my husband has begun to help his parents so much displeases his partner as well. Why? Because Adam is getting more and more absent from work. And it’s the partner who has to work and supervise everything at the car service.

I’m afraid that they’ll fall out and then their business will collapse. And then we’ll have big financial problems. And I don’t want that. I tried to explain all this to my mother-in-law. But she thinks I’m making it up.
– Of course, Adam is your husband. But first of all, he is our son and he has to help us!

So how can I make sure that my husband visits his mother as little as possible? I’m very worried about our future.

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My mother-in-law is a very bad influence on my husband. She uses him and constantly demands money…