I am married. My oldest daughter is 6 years old and my youngest daughter is only a year old. I just had to run away to another city. And I wasn’t running away from my husband, I was running away from my mother-in-law. The thing is that my mother-in-law accuses me of having taken the children away from her daughter because of me.
And here’s what happened. My husband’s sister, Anna, has two children: a boy of 9 years old, and the youngest daughter, Victoria, is only a year old. Anna often asked me to babysit the baby. At the same time she asked to baby-sit for a short time, just a few hours. But she always came back only late at night.
Once she brought Victoria to me, but she didn’t bring her baby any diapers or food. I had to ask a neighbor for everything. After that I warned Anna that I would no longer sit with her daughter.
And a month later I found out I was pregnant again. I have a lot of health problems, so the fact that I was able to get pregnant for the first time – a great miracle. It was an even bigger miracle that I was able to get pregnant a second time.
The doctors immediately warned me that in order to keep the pregnancy I had to be very careful and not to lift anything heavy in any way. I tried to have more rest and followed all the doctors’ recommendations. And then one day my husband and I were invited by friends to the cottage to cook barbecue and relax in nature.
The weather was perfect and we happily agreed. And then when we were already standing in the hallway with things, Anna came to us with a little Victoria in her arms. She began to persuade me to babysit her daughter. Of course I refused. First, I did not want to change my plans with my husband. And secondly, I was not allowed to carry a baby in my arms.
But Anna began to whine:
– If my mother was not sick, she would have been with Victoria. I can not miss the wedding of his best friend! Well, please help me out again!
But I still refused to sit with the little girl. My husband and I went on a vacation in the country. And Anna just left her one-year-old daughter at home with her nine-year-old son. I don’t know what happened, but Victoria choked on something. And the boy got scared. He couldn’t reach his parents, so he started ringing the doorbell of the neighbors on the landing. The neighbors were very frightened, too. They called an ambulance and the police. Everything turned out all right.
But after that Anna’s children were taken to the orphanage. They lived in the orphanage for six months. And my mother-in-law blamed me for that. But her daughter, who left her children alone and ran off to her friend’s wedding, she did not think it was her fault. I tried many times to explain to her that my husband and I had plans of our own, that my pregnancy is threatened, and I can not lift anything heavy. But it was all completely useless.
My mother-in-law cursed both me and my unborn child. The birth was very difficult, the baby was barely saved. But even after that my mother-in-law would not calm down. She constantly writes complaints about me to the guardianship authorities. Many times they came to our house and made checks: whether we had food, whether we were beating the children. I am terribly tired of it. And my mother-in-law says that she will not stop and my children will definitely end up in an orphanage. And then my patience snapped. I told my husband that I was going to live with my parents.
– And if you do not come to us, then I’ll just file for divorce! But I don’t want to take any more of your mother’s accusations and bullying! – I told my husband.
This is such a terrible story, and I don’t know how it will end.