My grandmother called from the hospital and asked me to bring her an old, black spoon. I only then realized what she was talking about.

When her grandmother turned 80 and it became more difficult for her to move, Lucy began to treat her grandmother with great trepidation. Once her grandmother was hospitalized. At her age, after a slight draft you have to call an ambulance… Lucy learned about it in class. She immediately asked the teacher to excuse her and ran to her grandmother, but unfortunately, the girl was not allowed to see her grandmother. An hour later, her grandmother called her and asked her to bring her things.

Lucy made a small list in the “Notes” of her phone and went to her grandmother – her grandmother left everything on and open. Only 2 “not crossed out” things remained on the list – a towel and a spoon from the bedside table. At first, the girl took a new towel, but then thought it was better to take the old one and leave it there, in the hospital. When it came to the spoon, Lucy wondered why her grandmother needed a black, old, dirty spoon. She went to the kitchen, took a spoon and a fork just in case.

The girl was not allowed to see her grandmother again, but her things were handed over. And Lucy returned home to prepare for the session. All day there was no call from her grandmother, and the next day she called in tears:

– Lucy, why didn’t you send my spoon? I was waiting for it the most, granddaughter.

– Grandma, it was dirty, but do not cry, I’ll bring it to you now, – Lucy said and rushed to get the spoon.

When the nurse had the spoon, Mila learned that her grandmother had deteriorated sharply, and she was transferred to another department. Bad thoughts did not leave Lucy. She begged the nurse to give the spoon to her grandmother, because she was literally crying for the spoon. In 4 hours the grandmother called her granddaughter.

– Sweetie, thank you. Without the spoon, I might not have come to my senses.

– Are you kidding, grandma, it’s good, – Mila calmed down.

A couple of days later, grandma was at home. Two women, two different generations were sitting in the kitchen, enjoying berry tea.

– So what kind of spoon? – Mila asked, taking a sip of tea.

– This is not a simple spoon, granddaughter, it is a talisman. When I was born, in 1941, my grandfather and father, your grandfather and great-grandfather, went to war. This spoon saved my grandfather from a bullet several times. And when they, father and son, met at the front, my grandfather gave the spoon to his son. It also saved your grandfather, helped him to return alive and healthy, but my grandfather died in 1943… My father passed the spoon to me. Honestly, I personally experienced the power of this seemingly ordinary spoon on myself. I wanted to give it to your mother, but she did not believe it, saying that it would gather dust on the shelf, and you would live with it for a long time and happily.

– She is right, grandma, you are such a coquette, live a very long time! I do not need proof, the spoon is really powerful.

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My grandmother called from the hospital and asked me to bring her an old, black spoon. I only then realized what she was talking about.