My father was never interested in me and did not think how I was doing. But he chose a very suitable period to come and think that I would not kick him out

I grew up without a father. He left me and my mother when I was 9 years old. I did not miss him and did not wait for him. He was constantly fighting with my mother, and I was even glad that he finally left us alone. My mother brought me up alone. But she still filed for alimony. I think she did it not because of money, but to take revenge. Because these alimony could not be counted on. They were not even enough for bread. My father, in order to pay as little as possible, did not register anywhere and worked unofficially.

He had another family, registered an apartment for his wife, but did not recognize paternity for his son, so as not to repeat the first mistake. As a result, he remained a beggar. The apartment went to his second wife, and he was no one to his son, when he started drinking and did not bring any benefit to the family. Eventually he was kicked out of the apartment he had bought himself. And he came to me. My mother was not with me for a long time. She left this world and left me a two-room apartment.

I lived there with my husband and child. My father appeared when the relationship with my husband was not very good. He said that if I did not take him in, he would sue. He was paying alimony and now I have to take him in. I felt sorry for him and took him in, hoping that he would change and stop drinking, be a good grandfather for my grandson. But I was wrong. He not only did not stop drinking, but taught my husband to do it as well. In the end, I kicked my husband out and did not even apply for alimony. Everything is enough for me and my son.

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My father was never interested in me and did not think how I was doing. But he chose a very suitable period to come and think that I would not kick him out