I divorced Alisa when my daughter was 10 years old. We have been divorced for three years. We separated because of her infantile behavior and constant stupid quarrels. I just got tired of tolerating her behavior.
She did not suffer long and quickly found a replacement for me. Now she lives with some unemployed alphonse. What do they live on? On alimony, which I pay for my daughter. I am already sick of this situation.
My salary is decent, so I also pay decent alimony. I do not feel sorry for the money for the child, but the fact is that it is not spent on the child. I love my daughter, she often visits me. The divorce did not spoil our relationship and did not affect our communication.
Once, my daughter told me that she needs a new jacket, because the old one is worn out and torn. Her mother told her to choose a jacket in a second-hand shop, but the girl did not want to. She says that her classmates will laugh.
The same day, we went to the mall with our daughter and bought her the jacket she liked the most. Such situations were repeated many times.
A month ago, my ex-wife called me and told me that my daughter wanted to go to a dance, but it was expensive. I did not spare money and immediately sent the required amount.
Yesterday, I asked my daughter:
– How do you like dancing?
– What dances? – the girl was surprised.
– What dances do you go to? You wanted to go.
– I don’t go to any dances. Mom said she wasn’t going to finance my whims, otherwise I’d be out of luck.
I called Alice and had a fight. What is the money spent on? She began to make up ridiculous excuses. Like, she was sick, and the money had to be spent on medicine. Only my daughter told me that Alisa had not been sick recently.
I’m tired of supporting my ex and her man while my daughter walks around in rags. I think I will try to sue her mother.