My mother tired of me with her tactlessness. In the early days of our relationship, my mother gave us a grandmother’s house, and then decided that she had the right to dispose of our lives. If she doesn’t like something, she starts screaming that we’re not grateful, and that’s why she’ll throw us out on the street. We replaced the locks and now we are waiting for a huge scandal.
Grandma’s apartment has stood closed for more than eight years. My mother rented it out several times, but the tenants fled after a few months. Now I understand the reason for this. If she had already eaten my brain with a teaspoon, then how much I had to put up with her tenants.
After we got married, my husband and I wanted to take out a mortgage. We did not hide our plans from my mother, but we did not ask her to let us into her apartment.
She told us at the time:
– Don’t you understand that mortgages are a form of bondage. If you make repairs in my apartment, then I’ll sign over my grandmother’s apartment to you.
– Mammy, are you sure about this? Maybe you’d rather rent it out?
– I’ve already rented it out, I don’t want it anymore! You won’t have much trouble with lodgers. It’s empty and I’m paying the rent.
It was a luxurious present, we couldn’t even dream of buying a spacious two-room apartment with high ceilings in the city center. Renovations were needed there, but it wasn’t critical, because the place was in decent condition. We spent our savings on repairs to my mother’s apartment, and she signed over her place to me.
We thought we could live in peace now. We began to settle in and make our nest. Mother sometimes came to visit us, but she didn’t meddle in our affairs. The madness came later… Shortly after we moved in some friends from a neighboring town came to spend the night. We sat for a while in the evening and had two bottles of wine for five people. We drank tea and chatted and shared the news, but since it was already a bit late I didn’t do the dishes that night.
The very next morning my mother showed up at our door and made a huge row. She opened the door with her key, and then immediately began to shout so much that our guests were frightened awake. She yelled that she hadn’t let us into her house to have a brothel in it.
The situation was saved by my husband, who immediately took our guests to see the city. I almost burned with shame:
– Mom, what are you talking nonsense, we came friends?
– Just wonderful friends! I will not let you do such a thing in my house!
I tried to get through to my mother, but it was like my mother didn’t hear me.
– I forbid you to bring these drunks into my house,” my mother shouted and left, slamming the door.
I was very embarrassed in front of my friends, but they turned everything into a joke and said that they felt like schoolchildren who invited friends to a party, and then suddenly my parents returned from a business trip.
The next two weeks passed quietly. My mother didn’t call or come over. I thought she wouldn’t bother us anymore, but then I started noticing that some things were out of place. At first I blamed it on my spouse, since he never puts anything in its place. However, after our condoms magically disappeared, I still decided to talk to my mom, since this could not be happening by itself.
– Of course I stopped by and checked on your life and I threw the rubbers away. You need to think about the kids, and you’re all playing around.
When I asked my mother why she came to our house when we weren’t home, she told me that she had given it to us, so she could come to us anytime she wanted. She didn’t think she was being unkind, because if we weren’t controlled, we could turn the place into God knows what.
I got angry and told her I was an adult and didn’t need her control, she told me she had an opinion on the matter and shut down. My husband tried his best to calm me down. He and I decided then that better a bad peace than a good war.
My patience snapped that day, when I came home from work, and in the middle of the apartment is a sovdepovaya wall, and his mother was happy tea in the kitchen.
– You should thank me! My neighbor wanted to throw it out, and I took it away.
I don’t even remember what I shouted then, I had a real tantrum that day. I broke all the shelves and tore the doors off. My mother looked at me with surprised eyes, and then told me that if I was such an ungrateful bitch, I could pack up my things and get out of her house.
– Legally it’s my place, you already gave it to me!
– As you gave it to me, I’ll take it back!
When my husband came home from work he was shocked, because there was broken glass all over the apartment, and I had a real tantrum. The next morning my husband changed the locks and now our house is our fortress. I am sure that the mother is being dishonest, because we have fulfilled our part of the contract, but she does not keep her word!