Mother convinced her daughter should have consulted her before getting pregnant

– Our daughter recently celebrated thirty-two,” Samantha shared. – We live in a two-room apartment: me, my husband and my daughter. And the other day she told us that she was going to have a baby for herself. What does it mean? The news made my blood pressure jump. We just don’t have a baby in the house.

Samantha’s daughter, Alina, has always been quiet and modest, her life limited to home and work. The girl always dresses modestly, she mostly stays at home, she has no girlfriends, and there are no suitors. Alina spends her weekends at home, she has one friend who is also modest and quiet, who got married right after school and now is pregnant with her fourth child. Alina often goes to visit her friend, she adores playing with her children and sincerely envies her.

– Why are you dragging your feet? It is high time for you to give birth, – says her friend to Alina. – Time is running out, and you are not getting any younger. You have parents, they will help you. And later you will find a husband. If a man loves you, he will accept your child. And even if you can’t meet anyone, at least you won’t be alone. You should think about the fact that parents are not eternal. Both father and mother will leave this life at some point, but you yourself will stay.

Lately Alina began to think more and more about having a baby. She has even told her parents about it.

– I do not like the idea, – says Samantha. – I do not want to raise a grandson or granddaughter alone, and do not go to the grandmother, her daughter’s child to throw us.

I am sure that children should be brought up by parents, if you need a child, then do it like a human being: get married and have a baby. I think it’s a crime to have a fatherless child.

– But the daughter’s clock is already ticking, she just wants to jump on the last wagon. If she wants to give birth, then let her have it. If you don’t want to, just don’t help her and that’s it.
– How can I not help her when we’re living in a two-bedroom apartment? Of course Alina expects our help, because her salary is very modest. And then there is nothing to guess, my husband and I will have to support our grandson. My husband and I will pay for utilities and buy groceries, and in the physical help she will need. I’m sixty well do not want to babysit the baby, I always wanted after retirement to live for themselves. I do not want any night cries, or potties, or diapers, or strollers. I dream of a peaceful old age.

– But you know you can’t stop your daughter from having a baby…
– That’s the problem, I can’t. That’s what caused the conflict between me and my daughter. Alina hasn’t spoken to me for a week now because I told her my position and that I was totally against her having a baby for herself. You tell me, don’t I have the right to tell her my point of view on this issue.

And what do you think, should an adult daughter agree with her parents on the possibility of having a child or not? Well, if you put it this way, the girl is going to have a baby for herself, and she does not have to coordinate her decision with anyone at all?

Why is the mother going to rest, because she did not raise five people herself, but only one daughter? Does the mother not care about the fact that her daughter may be left alone after their death, and how will she live then? What would you do in such a situation, and what advice would you give to Alina?

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Mother convinced her daughter should have consulted her before getting pregnant