Mark doesn’t know how to hide from his relatives who want him to do everything for them!

There is a certain type of people who do not understand that you need to appreciate what you have, so they constantly complain about life and expect others to help them.

Almost all of Mark’s family happened to be like that. He tried to limit his communication with them, but they still find ways to communicate with him and ask for help.

Not long ago, Mark’s mother inherited a one-room apartment from her mother. Since she and her son had a place to live, she started renting it out. Later, her cousin found out about it and told them to give her apartment back, because they did not live there. Her speech made it seem like it was not a place to live, but a vase. When Mark refused, and his mother supported him, the relative began to turn others against them. But it didn’t end with the kiss.

After that, Mark’s father was finally able to buy a car; he had been saving for it for a long time and dreamed about it. As soon as they had a car, their relatives remembered them again and started asking to borrow it for a few days or to take them somewhere. And none of these people realize that my father worked hard to get it.

Recently, Mark received another phone call from his cousin saying that she was going to take his eldest son’s clothes because her son had nothing to wear. The man tried to explain to her that they have a younger son who is now nursing his older brother, so they cannot give anything away, because they need it themselves. Then he advised her to visit her second-hand store, because there were a lot of quality clothes for children at reasonable prices. After that, she took offense at him and called him a miser.

Many relatives have called Mark asking him to hire them in his company. And when he explains to them that he is an ordinary employee and they need to go for an interview, they get offended and talk behind his back about what a terrible person and a miser he is. And the next time they meet, they smile at him again.

Not so long ago, Mark and his wife were doing some repairs on their own, and meanwhile, their relatives were already gossiping that they had a lot of money and had hired a whole team. No one wanted to ask the couple themselves.

Mark has never been able to complain about life, and his mother is the same way, so she taught her son from an early age to rely on himself and not expect anything from others. Recently, Mark has not even wanted to answer the phone from these people, because everything he says will be used against him, and then they will ask him to do something, and if he does not help, they will accuse him of all sins.

It has gotten to the point where Mark and his wife dream of moving as far away from their relatives as possible so that they will no longer be bothered. After all, no matter how much you explain to these people, they will not understand. Mark has everything they want because he wanted it and put in the work, and they don’t have it because they were always asking for help from others instead of doing it themselves.

Do you know any ways to get rid of such intrusive relatives? Are there those among you who hope that others will do everything for them?


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Mark doesn’t know how to hide from his relatives who want him to do everything for them!