Tina and Laura grew up in the same yard. The two friends were always together. Both got married, both gave birth to daughters almost in the same month. In general, the time came when the daughters went to the first grade. The girls studied at the same school and in the same class. They got to school together, driven by their mother Tina. Laura offered her money for gas, but she just laughed and said that it was not necessary!
– When you buy a car and get behind the wheel, you will drive our daughters.
Time passed, the daughters were no longer friends, but Tina continued to drive them. It was not difficult for her, especially since she was an experienced driver, she had a good 10 years of experience.
6 years passed, the girls have already grown up. And Tina got another job. She could not drive the children anymore; in the morning her daughter got there by transport, but it was a little more difficult to get back. Winter, quickly darkening, her mother often worried how her daughter would get home. Laura was also worried; she would meet the girls at the bus stop and tell them not to deviate from the route.
Recently Laura passed her driving license and got behind the wheel of a brand new car. But she began to drive only her daughter. It was understandable: she was an inexperienced driver, she did not want to expose other people’s children to danger.
Later, she already knew the route from school to home well, she began to drop her daughter’s friends who live on the way home. But it so happened that one day, when she was driving her daughter to school, she got into an accident. She was slightly injured, but called her mother for help, because she could not walk, her leg was badly injured. That day her friend Tina came to Laura. And Laura asked her for one favor:
– Take Kate to school with you. I will pay for the gas. I’m very worried, I’m afraid to let her go alone. My father is on a business trip.
From that day on, Kate is always taken home by her aunt Tina. Laura is still afraid to drive.