Last month was my son’s birthday. I told him that I would come as a guest, thinking that my daughter-in-law would be embarrassed

I was raising three boys. Someone who had four men in the house, I’m sure, supports me. I can’t understand how there can be no prepared lunch or dinner at home, or things scattered all over the place. Now I am 52 years old, I have always believed that a woman should create a home that is comfortable and safe for a man to come home to. But I don’t think my daughter-in-law thinks like that. I’m not one of those people who would give up on their relatives or family members, but it seems that my father is right.

My eldest son decided to get married two years ago, and 9 months later they had a daughter. The son was 28 years old at that time, and his wife was 20. Victoria was still studying at the institute, but even the difference of eight years did not frighten my son. My son was so worried that he even borrowed a square so that the younger siblings could have their own cat. Of course, I supported his initiative and was happy to see them.

When my daughter-in-law was pregnant, she had a very persistent character, constantly chasing my son to the store. First she wanted apples at 12 o’clock in the morning, then an orange, and then all the flowers. My son never contradicted her, he always fulfilled her wishes. We thought that after the birth of the child everything would change, but it was not the case.

Drijana gave birth, nursed the baby for two months, and that was it. And then she told her son that she was tired of endless nights, so she wanted to rest. My son has grown up to be an understanding and compassionate person, so he asked me to sit with her. Of course, I couldn’t refuse, especially since I had grown very fond of my night.

While I was babysitting, my sister-in-law spent the whole day in various spas, and when she came home, she did not even want to cook dinner for her son, who came home from work. As a result, I have been sitting with my daughter for a whole week. She is now accustomed to sleeping until 12 noon, in general, to live exclusively at her own pleasure. She left everything to me.

After a month, I broke down and said that I needed to go home when my daughter-in-law started it, even upset. I realized that Victoria was not yet independent, so I went to visit them from time to time, but I did not like what I saw there – the house was a mess and there was nothing in the fridge.

She was too lazy even to cook something for her child. I raised three sons in my time, so this kind of irresponsibility was even more unacceptable for me. My son has always eaten delicious food at home, and near his family. Last month was my son’s birthday. I said that I was going to visit them, and I thought that my daughter would probably cook something. And she ordered pizza and sushi.

I can’t understand my son, why did he have such a wife? I am afraid that they did not live together before the wedding, and he did not see what she was like in victory, so that’s why it turned out like this… I feel it’s hard and a shame for my son, but he continues to be silent and doesn’t say anything to his wife.

I’m thinking of some way to put her in her place. I am only worried about one thing, that my son will not look back on me after that. I understand that I should support his choice. But I cannot stand aside and watch all this calmly! Are all daughters-in-law like that?

What would you advise a woman in such a situation? Should she talk to her daughter-in-law?

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Last month was my son’s birthday. I told him that I would come as a guest, thinking that my daughter-in-law would be embarrassed