– Jessica, I don’t want there to be any secrets between us, I have to tell you something. – Jessica held her breath at these words

Jessica’s fateful encounter took place in front of the supermarket. She was heading for the exit with her bags, and it was pouring, so she had nothing to do but wait it out. Only while she was waiting, she noticed a man nearby.

– Nick is that you?

– Yeah, I’m Nick…

Stranger turned out to be a boy from a parallel class, with whom she had been friends a lot in childhood. The couple got to talking, Jessica told all kinds of stories from their childhood, to which Nick just nodded with a smile.

One day he made an appointment at a cafe the next day and drove her home in his car. This meeting was fateful, because this couple was to get married in a year, but an interesting thing happened a few weeks before the wedding.

The couple was walking in the park, they were both having fun and admiring each other, except Jessica had long noticed that Nick seemed sad with her lately. She thought that it would pass with time, but his look only got sadder and sadder with time. So soon she decided to ask him what was wrong.

– Since we are already a couple and the wedding is just around the corner, I don’t want there to be any secrets between us, I have to tell you something.

She held her breath, preparing herself for a sharper result. Nick’s answer was no less surprising.

– My name is Nick, except Nick Johnson, and I had no idea who you were when we met outside the supermarket. You got me confused with someone else, I didn’t even go to your school.

– You could have told me right away, even if your name wasn’t Nick, I’d still love you,” she said, and then she hugged the guy who soon became her husband.

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– Jessica, I don’t want there to be any secrets between us, I have to tell you something. – Jessica held her breath at these words