I was getting ready for my husband’s birthday party. I spent a week shopping, cooking, cleaning. I have two kids to take care of all the time. And I happened to be working like a bee.
So my mother-in-law, my Mark’s sister came to visit us with her husband and kids and our mutual friends who live with us in the stairwell. Here mother-in-law put on her best outfit, put on all her jewelry, and this is not surprising, because she loves the “good life”, or at least to show it. In general, she is lonely, so she is used to living the high life.
– Jackie, you have such dishes at the table, from the last century. Aren’t you ashamed in front of your friends?
– Why ashamed? – I ask, and meanwhile anger is already taking my breath away.
– I do not know who eats such things nowadays, probably some grandmothers,” she said to me with a sly smile.
I was very offended, and so that she did not see my tears, went out to the balcony. My husband immediately followed me and started to calm me down. I went back into the kitchen, since the meat was still roasting. I came in and saw the back of my “beloved” mother-in-law peeking out of the open refrigerator.
– Jackie! I brought my cake, it’s beautiful and delicious, so serve it to the guests today. And you can eat your “masterpiece” yourself, so you won’t embarrass yourself in front of the guests. And I will not be embarrassed.
I don’t know what happened to me, but I couldn’t say a word in my defense because of the shock. Mark thanked my mother for her efforts and gave her another hug. He didn’t say a word to me for laying the holiday table.
I actually deserve some gratitude, too; I did everything with my own hands. My mother-in-law’s cake looked really good, but there was nothing special about it, just an ordinary biscuit. Even the guests only took a couple of bites, and it remained on the plate.
That night I took my cake out and gave it to the kids and my husband. They all savored it, and my husband said:
– You’re my hostess! Your cake is really delicious. Please forgive me for doubting you and behaving this way. I’m very ashamed now. I won’t go on my mother’s leash again.
And I believe my husband, the important thing is that he realized his mistake. I can’t imagine what would have happened to our family life if we had all lived together with my mother-in-law. I thank fate that I have my own place.