Iris did not want to go to her mother-in-law’s birthday until the last moment. She was even happy about the fictional mini-me, but the next day she was very sorry!

Many problems fell on Iris at once. First she quarreled with her best friend over something stupid, then there was a lot of work at work, and her mother-in-law’s 55th anniversary. It was necessary to prepare something grandiose, but it was hard to come up with a gift, no ideas. She was a wealthy woman, she had everything. Even nothing to give. Iris sent her husband to her mother-in-law to find out what she wanted. The husband came back with the news:

– Mom said she didn’t need anything. Well, as always, she started to refuse.

– And in the end what? Did he find out anything? Or just went to the other end of the city for nothing.

– In the end, she said that we could pay for her holiday, we calculated it was a tidy sum.

– Wow. We could have bought a gift for less money.

– Iris, we bought your father a trip to a sanatorium, which cost even more, but I did not hesitate to give the money.

– It was for his health, not for nothing.

– Mom’s birthday is not a waste. These are her memories for a lifetime. We bought your mother an expensive robot vacuum cleaner, I also had nothing against it.

– The vacuum cleaner is useful. Mom does not have time to do anything around the house, because she is with her granddaughter. Your daughter, by the way. And yet it is too expensive for a restaurant.

Days passed and the anniversary date was approaching. It was necessary to go to the restaurant and make a reservation, discuss the menu. Husband still went and paid the check at once.

– You paid for my place in vain, I’m not going to come anyway. You could have saved money and bought flowers for your mother.

After this phrase, the man stopped talking to Iris. Then she called her girlfriend to complain, but found no support.

– Iris, there are gifts for everyone. Your mother needed a vacuum cleaner, and your mother-in-law wants memories. To each his own.

On her birthday, Iris pretended to be very sick, so she stayed home. When her husband came home from the anniversary, Iris pretended to be asleep. The cheerful man and his daughter continued to discuss the grandmother’s holiday and finish the cake.

The next day Iris nervously looked at the birthday photos on the Internet. While the man was sleeping, he received a text message from his mother:

– Son, thank you very much for this holiday, I will always remember him. It is a pity that Iris could not come, bless her. Thank you again, my children, it was the best day.

Iris felt bad. Maybe she shouldn’t have started all this, and invented a non-existent disease.

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Iris did not want to go to her mother-in-law’s birthday until the last moment. She was even happy about the fictional mini-me, but the next day she was very sorry!